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2002-01-30 - 11:56 a.m.

I had to add a Mass Comm course to my schedule today....I couldn't get into a Advanced English Composition class.....oh well.....Damn bastards....At least it's with the professor I like in Mass Comm.....At least I got to maintain my NO CLASS FRIDAYS policy. I'll be stuck in class from 11 to about 4 every Tuesday and Thursday though, lunch. I wonder how much the book is gonna cost. I got some good news though, I can erase a previous D i had in a course with a Grade Repeat form. I hate GEP courses with a Passion, I think College is still alot of bullshit, but I gotta get through this. It's sad, the general malaise of courses we all gotta go through just to get that extra 50% of income throughout our lifetimes. Me, I wanna make my parents proud, for one.....that's what I used to think why I had to drudge through college, but now I realize to get where I want to be, I NEED TO GO THROUGH THIS....My bamboo is giving me good luck, I wish I had a crossword puzzle now.

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