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2002-02-10 - 12:17 p.m.

Why is it when I try to read a damn novel, I end up passing out???? Jesus, I got to attempt reading "The Prophet" later today. My legs are sore as hell from Thursday nights workout.....10 minutes of Stairmaster immediately followed by 12 minutes of hardcore rowing machine immediately followed by 10 on the exercycle. Damn, I'm outta shape. I'm trying. I'm being more conscious about what I eat, except when I'm high. The no meat thing has been working out nicely. It has great benefits from what I heard in Health Wellness class. People were giving me weird looks when I was defending vegetarian lifestyles. This kid was like "YOU HAVE TO EAT MEAT." Well, meat gives you the damn dreaded LDL cholestoral. I was like, protein, from supplements and peanuts, and various other veggies could suffice for protein. Milk is the hardest thing to cut out, I just can't part with it yet and I drink skim. Eggs, you can have egg substitute, no big whoop. I don't really see any results yet, I just started to hardcore exercise, we'll see. Raven doesn't want me to lose my cute cuddle-ness but understands. I'm near 6 feet tall, I'm 280 lbs...I don't think I'm gonna lose ALL my cute cuddleness. I'm a big bastard, plain and simple for life. She dwarves in comparsion to me, but she's fiesty. Damn, she can take me down anytime ;).....she's not even half my weight-and I got like 8 to 10 inches on her. I remember going to OC with her and Nick and we were holding hands on the Boardwalk and some people said some shit to his "boyz"-I was feeling so ill that day too-I just ignored it, but that shit irks me. Standards of beauty is such a bitch. It fucks with people so much. It's why love in this world is so hard to come by, people are putting up walls that aren't supposed to even be there. Everyone to an extent is guilty of this. All your perceptions, all of the stuff people say and all that you hear about how things are SUPPOSED to be doesn't mean it's your solution. Maybe this is fucking common sense. I don't know.....(I don't know where I'm getting at, but I'm just bored and going off in a tangent, k? ;) ) So I say, try to fight and unlearn all that. Find out who you REALLY are........or don't.........I don't know, I'm hungry, or is that my abs just hurting........I don't know.....poo........

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