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About Me

yeah, I know.........
2002-05-28 - 12:04 a.m.

Damn, it's been awhile. I'm back at home. My house isn't internet friendly. I'm at a pals. Hmmm.....been sitting around mostly. Waiting to start working for my dad full-time n shit. I gotta take a drug test, I need to get me a detox kit or something. I'm not worried, I just don't want to hear my dad talk about pot, because anything he ever talks about is quite extensive and serious and always links to me and my future and retirement and leadership and job hunting and so on, so forth.

It's terrible. My brother graduated. My friend Seth is visiting from Texas. I'm at Brad's house right now, taking a break from playing video games (Knockout Kings 2002 kicks ass by the way, in the words of Roy Jones Jr. "YA'LL MUSTA FO-GOT!!!"). Being home is a mixed blessing. Reminisence of past summers, being treated like a kid all over again, and of course the boredem of just being back in HDG.....just gives me that "Blah" feeling. I'm hoping when I get a job it'll get better, but come on, I'm working for my dad, it's a trade-off of poisons, instead of cyanide, I go for the stryctnine. Whatever,, I've been thinking of just running away. I'm looking for something to just set me off. I really am. I've been in a roller coaster of emotions lately. Women, Parents, John, Old friends, new friends, isolation, quiet hours alone, just things man, things.......

I might be missing Frostburg. Damn, I'm back at home. I'm getting poorer by the minute too. I need to get crack-a-lackin on a jobby job and clean my room. I need to get busy with myself. I've been just vegging out, I got no routine here, I sure need to find one quick.

Well, things could be worse, I'm enjoying the weather, The old friendly banter, the bed, the big tv, spinning records, chillin with Raven, just chillin. Oh yeah the food is good. I can do that pan flipping thing all good cooks do now, I can actually toss whatever in a pan with my wrist.

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