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About Me

hmmmmmm, fucking titles.........
2002-09-11 - 10:00 a.m.

I vowed to do alot of things the other day. Let's hope all the shit I'm throwing against the wall sticks.

In other news, I saw the most Math-Geek T-shirt was black and in white letters said, "Got Milk....Need (symbol for pi)."

If I ever choose to take up that constant pondering of quitting smoking, it'll be harder then ever. It's the only way I've met people at Towson really and my Tuesday night class, everyone goes out and smokes. My Monday class, I've already got a self-proclaimed smoking "buddy."

Campus life is so weird to me. The girls at Towson are way more attractive then Frostburg Girls. The guys are mostly the same I guess as for attractiveness, I don't really study male attractiveness much, they all look like jocks and pricks pretty much. I do see more emo-like swaying in both sexes. I see more Asian kids, more foreign kids. I see old people in my classes, I never saw old people in my classes at Frostburg, unless they were the professors themselves. Everything is so "happening," stickers on trash cans, and everyone in "top" fashion. When you see stickers on signs and trash cans for bands with ultra-witty know you're where it's at, or where people think it is.

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