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About Me

You give a description all the damn time.............
2002-09-19 - 8:12 p.m.


It's not an issue. You sound happy, more so then I've seen you in a while. I don't have to tell you anything but this, I'm not afraid of loving you anymore. I love you more n more. I guess I "should" be jealous or even angry or giving up-Loving someone and not being able to hold them and to embrace them is a hard thing, a very hard thing, but I'm not. I know what is true. I know it's not up to me to give or know what to give to you. Like the movie "Now Voyager" I saw tonite, I realize I shouldn't ask for the moon when I already have the stars. You're my stars. These last events have given me all this and there's not one day that goes by that I don't think about you. You are my true love and right here, right now, I'm not afraid of that. I used to be and it came to this. You are always with me. Always baby. Have fun. Find your purpose, find your happiness. It can and will happen. I found you and it's positively wonderful.

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