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2002-10-07 - 3:45 a.m.

ltjbukem: werd...sweet deal

Huggybear747: like chocolate for sale

ltjbukem: you know it

Huggybear747: I live by it

Huggybear747: how you been?

ltjbukem: aight...just about to get crazy busy...i need to do some stuff for tomorrow too...poo...but not as busy as you sound

Huggybear747: Well, I just make it all sound extravagant, just imagine me with my hand in my pants, passed out

ltjbukem: just like always

Huggybear747: I know

Huggybear747: Yeah, I my small brain almost can't handle all the mental, physical, social, educational bullshit, or at least that's what it's telling me

ltjbukem: craziness...i was sick as hell two weeks ago from my work and school...too much stuff

Huggybear747: I know how you feel

Huggybear747: Why can't life be blowjobs and fooseball?

ltjbukem: and it's about to start up again...i got this huge fuckin editing project

ltjbukem: thass what I'm talking about

Huggybear747: I know, fucking fooseball man!

Huggybear747: FOOSEBALL!

Huggybear747: Well, you should edit a short on getting blown while playing fooseball and how fooseball relates to oral sex and how oral sex relates to the game of fooseball

ltjbukem: but no I have to edit a piece on chinese adoption

Huggybear747: Is that when you bring chinese people to America to work in take-out joints?

ltjbukem: no this is rich couples that don't want american orpahns

ltjbukem: orphans

Huggybear747: oh

ltjbukem: 3 or 4 hours of footage down to 5 min

Huggybear747: Me and Nick are talking about driving around the country so I can eat a jelly donut in every state of the union.

Huggybear747: damn

ltjbukem: interesting...goin' get it on video?

Huggybear747: Maybe, I don't know what the fuck, I think it'd just be funny to have a photo album with me eating a jelly donut next to those WELCOME TO or YOUR ENTERING THE GREAT STATE OF signs

ltjbukem: true

ltjbukem: coffee table book

Huggybear747: you know, for the kids.

ltjbukem: that's right

Huggybear747: "daddy, why did you eat jell-ee" SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!! Don't question me!!!!!!!!!! Go wash my car again!

ltjbukem: hahaha

ltjbukem: man I've been playing the hell out of Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer

Huggybear747: Man, video games, I remember when I played those

Huggybear747: I heard that game was good though

ltjbukem: yeah it gotta get use to the differences from tony hawk but then it gets fun as hell

Huggybear747: I bet

Huggybear747: I like to pop in Knockout Kings every so often to get my ass kicked

ltjbukem: now that's what I want...but it was due back 8/30 and hasn't shown up yet

Huggybear747: oh yeah, I forgot, you got the free rental hookups

Huggybear747: John should be getting his soon

ltjbukem: yeah...

Huggybear747: Nick gave me Kirosawa's DREAMS tonight

Huggybear747: for my bday

ltjbukem: cool beans...interesting flick

Huggybear747: Yeah, it looks interesting

ltjbukem: right before he got really depressing

ltjbukem: not his best but still better than most

Huggybear747: no doubt

Huggybear747: I don't want to sleep but my body wants to, but I know I'll miss class if I do

ltjbukem: yeah I know that feeling...i have to write a synopsis of my Superhero script for tomorrow...and do some french before I can go to bed

ltjbukem: poo

ltjbukem: and I have a bunch of history to read for tuesday

Huggybear747: yeah, i got reading to do, but if I do that now, I know I'm conking the fuck out right inbetween them pages

ltjbukem: true

Huggybear747: yeah, I might just watch Dreams, make some late dinner..........I could just buy cigs and smoke all night..............

ltjbukem: hehehe...dreams is actually a little slow...that might be a little has interesting visuals but kind of slow

Huggybear747: yeah

Huggybear747: your right

Huggybear747: I guess I can jump up and down

ltjbukem: that you could

Huggybear747: or just listen to records

ltjbukem: that too

Huggybear747: .....only if I could just slap box a monkey

ltjbukem: well that's what we all want isn't it

Huggybear747: in a ring surrounded by extras from Bloodfist

ltjbukem: well duh

Huggybear747: shaking their fists with thai money in them

ltjbukem: no other money would work

Huggybear747: NONE


DCSCompton: there?

Huggybear747: yup

DCSCompton: SUP

Huggybear747: nuffin

Huggybear747: you?

DCSCompton: Writing an essay

DCSCompton: Did I tell you of my acid enlightenment?

Huggybear747: nope

DCSCompton: Happy birthday by the way

Huggybear747: damn, you're surpassing my drug experiences

Huggybear747: thank you, you still read that trite?

DCSCompton: What trite?

Huggybear747: my diary, how else would you know it's my bday?

DCSCompton: Blunts...nah, I stopped writing on mine...:-(

Huggybear747: Oh, I stopped writing in blunts

Huggybear747: just boring man, just boring

DCSCompton: Why?

DCSCompton: :-(

Huggybear747: why?

Huggybear747: What the fuck can we talk about?

Huggybear747: same shit over and over

DCSCompton: Hip hop, lol...anyway, what's happening in your life?

Huggybear747: I could sum it all up to you like this, read the diary...........or I guess you can say, "Stressful"

Huggybear747: Blunts just is tiring, fuckers in the entertainment forum just suck, have no sense of taste, leave it up to us to post intelligent threads and god if we don't get tired of it sometimes

Huggybear747: New people all the time

DCSCompton: lol, I have my own little group of films I like...

DCSCompton: That's it

DCSCompton: I'm narrow

Huggybear747: Yeah, I know

Huggybear747: But still, you know, Blunts there was no progression after awhile

Huggybear747: you knew what everyone was gonna say

Huggybear747: I might go back

DCSCompton: The newbies are largely fools


DCSCompton: My LSD experience in a nutshell

Huggybear747: what the fuck is BLUELIGHT?

DCSCompton: Drug forum

DCSCompton: reading?

Huggybear747: yup

DCSCompton: Whacha think?

Huggybear747: how did you remember it all so vividly

DCSCompton: This was within 24 hours of the trip

Huggybear747: oh

DCSCompton: What do you think?

DCSCompton: ?

Huggybear747: I want to do acid

DCSCompton: lol, why?

Huggybear747: sounds cool

Huggybear747: I would like to "Step out" of my head or intensify it enough to put a shift on mundane bullshit

DCSCompton: I do drugs because I find reality unsatisfactory

Huggybear747: seriously

DCSCompton wants to send file trippers.htm: convo with myself/Mathus I had on acid

DCSCompton: DCS Compton was ON acid writing this Connection problem with DCSCompton; the file will not be sent. (Your 'Internet Connection Firewall' may be on. If you and your buddy are each behind a different firewall, then the connection will not work.).

Huggybear747: poo

DCSCompton: there?

Huggybear747: yeah

DCSCompton: OK, I'll paste my convo on acid

Huggybear747: okay

DCSCompton: The first part is me talking to myself...

Huggybear747: you record this or something?

DCSCompton: Yeah, saved it...

DCSCompton: Here we go...


DCSCompton: wazzup

DCSCompton: pretty good thanks

DCSCompton: oh , well, you know

DCSCompton: hmm?

DCSCompton: nah, not all of them

DCSCompton: five, maybe

DCSCompton: if that

DCSCompton: yes, true but then again maybe it doesnt

DCSCompton: yeah it smells like mayonnaise

DCSCompton: I dunno man

DCSCompton: But i dont like it

DCSCompton: im scaring me

DCSCompton: but then again im scariung you

DCSCompton: are you there

DCSCompton: i once was lost, but now am found

DCSCompton: no, wiat

DCSCompton: fuck...

DCSCompton: i lost it again....

DCSCompton: It tastes clear

DCSCompton: the sun is too loud

DCSCompton: turn the music down, its too bright

DCSCompton: That isnt so much like the thing as it is the other thing

DCSCompton: but what is a thing?

DCSCompton: the stools brownness is burning my eyes

DCSCompton: Tell me when to continue posting

DCSCompton: ...

Huggybear747: now


DCSCompton: are you there

DCSCompton: am I?

DCSCompton: what is "there" really

DCSCompton: and who are you to tell me if I am "there"or not, if you can indeed define what "there" is, which frankly, i dont think you can... there, i said it...

DCSCompton: im sorry

DCSCompton: youre there defining crdentials are solid and i should never have implied otherwise

DCSCompton: So in conclusion....

DCSCompton: what apples maty frost, the enxt day may not

DCSCompton: and we must worryy ourselves not of such things, but more of where "there" is, or isnt, or never was

DCSCompton: dude, do you know what this shit behind the screen is?

DCSCompton: my feet are fusing together due to the thought of my feet fusing together with the music

DCSCompton: like, i can't physically seperate them

DCSCompton: any image aof unfused feet is inimaginable, thus, it's existance is relative to any dimension of fused feet

DCSCompton: like, the sentence length of anything i type is mathematically

DCSCompton: aligned to nothingness

DCSCompton: say when

Huggybear747: now


DCSCompton: liek, greens seem purple, and purples seem warm, and warm seems hot and hot seems fuzzy and fuzzy seem s electrinc and electric seems hairy and hairy seems white and white seems cold and cold seems indefinable and indefinableness is directly equated with any thought that i transmit through my being through a secondary agent, ie. a keyboard, to another sentient being through a passage of non existanrt movement

DCSCompton: everytime i see like, i must, at the same time, not see like, for for like to exist, the context of like is that it does not exist, i declare existance irrelevant, and thought immaterial to further development of the nucleas, the essence, the dripping of existance, its merely throguh pereception which is only every obtained through a higher level, and beings walk in through the door and talk to me and i don't know what the door is made of anymore and whether the word anymore has anything to do with that fucking buzziung sound, or the fact the door vibrates, or people appear and dissapear independently of me, and where did this music come from, who's character am i, what story is this, let me out!

DCSCompton: i must find the other

DCSCompton: from here, this non-acid due starts talking back...

Huggybear747: you crazy shit DCSCompton:

Mathus One: And so all we have is what is, if I or you can define what "is" is

Mathus One: or where to find is

Mathus One: Or where where is Oh sheazy

DCSCompton: oh fuck!

DCSCompton: what the ffuck are you saying to me?

Mathus One: By the way, my feet is fused to the street the hot concrete, these wordly world's defining mumurs of energy mixed with breath

DCSCompton: feet and fusion, what are you fucking on?

Mathus One: life

DCSCompton: hey its zor now

DCSCompton: if that means anyrthing to you

Mathus One: Zor?

Mathus One: Well it means something, It means I dont know what you mean

Mathus One: :-)

DCSCompton: hehe, indeed

Mathus One: Damn my nose is dripping snot

Mathus One: And I dont know why I got so sick

DCSCompton: germs, perhqaqps

DCSCompton: or perhaps, whichever you prefer

Mathus One: Prob I cant live arround the powerlines that be scrambling my cells into lumpy pancake

DCSCompton: OOOORRRR./...

Huggybear747: god


Mathus One: I can hear them buzzing

DCSCompton: no wait i got it

DCSCompton: you are trying to trip us out

Mathus One: Word drop it on me

Mathus One: Ahhhh

Mathus One: Trying?

Mathus One: Or doing

Mathus One: That is the separation of thought and action

Mathus One: Thought is trying, doing is simply, be, exist

DCSCompton: well we were pretty tripped out regardless of whethere you ever existed or not, really

Mathus One: Well I dont exist if you say I dont

Mathus One: But I exist as I say I do, for myself, like the tree falling with no one to hear it.

DCSCompton: but what if i say you dont, but think you do

Mathus One: I dont think

Mathus One: I simply be do

Mathus One: So I be existing

Mathus One: From mine perspective

Mathus One: Subjective perspective based lifeform realities

DCSCompton: yeah, or, not

mathus One: Exactly

Mathus One: Hey your in college right?

DCSCompton: Preacher (jimmy) is, i currently am not

Mathus One: Is it just me, or do some people become more ignorant through school

DCSCompton: is what "just you"?

Huggybear747: ...... DCSCompton:

Mathus One: I have taken notice to a growing ignorance from college dwellarsa

Mathus One: sorry missppelled

Mathus One: ha

DCSCompton: yes, well good luck with that

Mathus One: People tend to start beleiving college is simply a way to make more money Mathus One: all I hear is, "Get a degree" doesnt matter what in

DCSCompton: who are these people and why do they keep bothering you with their problems

Mathus One: They are family

Mathus One: Figures huh

Mathus One: They only there for you when you succeed financially

DCSCompton: yeah i get ya

Mathus One: "But wee support you" when you have your own support

Mathus One: Seems to counter act

Mathus One: cancel out

Mathus One: really makes family seem more pathetic than freinds

Mathus One: "I kinda like being broke, At least I know what my freinds here for" Cee-Lo

DCSCompton: yeah, well, people are silly sometimes, you must make life what you want to, and if you must pretend to family that they are right for them to be happy, so be it

Mathus One: Ah but what happens to my happiness?

Mathus One: Lost

Mathus One: to they who are blinded by paper printed pictures

Mathus One: True it is my choice

Mathus One: like every turn in life

Mathus One: U are now officially added to the buddy list, so That I can now pick preachers brain anytime, or yours

Mathus One: You being who?

Mathus One: Who is you?

DCSCompton: exactly

Mathus One: You is me? Or we?

Mathus One: Or they?

DCSCompton: that was zor, the irony is, when you asked that, preacher came back, so who do you like, preacher or zor?

Huggybear747: man


TalHorizon: hold me :-(

Huggybear747: when and where?

TalHorizon: right now, in my bed

Huggybear747: k

Huggybear747: Can we spoon

TalHorizon: yes please

Huggybear747: Inside or outside?

Huggybear747: which do you prefer?

TalHorizon: me inside, with your engorged penis nestled in my asscrack

Huggybear747: okay

Huggybear747: give me a minute

Huggybear747: dust off the old cock ring

TalHorizon: yay!

GeniusLo: U still there MIke?

Huggybear747: yup

GeniusLo: man...

GeniusLo: things are messed up

GeniusLo: I'm soooo fuxking confused

>GeniusLo: I really need a friend to tak to

Huggybear747: whats up?

GeniusLo: it's about Mian

GeniusLo: u know we broke up.. bla bla bla..

GeniusLo: had a rough time and stuff..

GeniusLo: I'm starting to get over it.. I still love her to death be honest..

GeniusLo: and she'd been acting weird...

Huggybear747: like what?

GeniusLo: ok..s he was sooo mean to me..

GeniusLo: like.. she was trying to push me away purposely

GeniusLo: then..

GeniusLo: this one time

GeniusLo: she came over cuz I had to give her some stuff

GeniusLo: so she came.. she was in her car

GeniusLo: I handed her the stuff..

GeniusLo: I was just gonna turn and leave

GeniusLo: but she got out of her car, came up to me, hugged me for like a minute like really tight..

GeniusLo: then kissed me on the lips and left..

GeniusLo: and she said.. "sorry for being so mean to you"

GeniusLo: I cried for like hrs after that

Huggybear747: man, that's some tough shit you're going through

GeniusLo: I'm not done yet..

GeniusLo: alirght..

GeniusLo: right now.. I still miss her a lot

Huggybear747: okay

GeniusLo: I send her notes on Asian avenue and stuff..

GeniusLo: ok.. tell u one big secret

GeniusLo: I know all her passwords

GeniusLo: email, Asian Avenue

GeniusLo: everything

Huggybear747: damn

GeniusLo: don't ask me hwo I got them

GeniusLo: U know me..

GeniusLo: I'm the master of comuters..

GeniusLo: haha.. anyway

GeniusLo: I was tyring to sleep earlier..

GeniusLo: but.. came across that I couldn't fall into sleep cuz I was thinking of her..

GeniusLo: so.. I decided to go check her emails..

GeniusLo: I know she'd been talking to a lot of guys

GeniusLo: it's all good

GeniusLo: I'm over that..

GeniusLo: but.. I just found out..

GeniusLo: she might be pregnat

GeniusLo: and.. most likely that baby is mine..

GeniusLo: I'm not sure yet

GeniusLo: and that explains why she treated me like that

GeniusLo: cuz she doesn't want to ruin my life?

Huggybear747: I don't think either of you want to ruin each other's lives, but in those situations, you got to step on some toes

GeniusLo: ok

GeniusLo: read this email and tell me what u think

Huggybear747: k

GeniusLo: Mian, Wow!...I didn't expect you to write me back. That's amazing. don't notice me anymore but I still notice you. that's cool. I'm sorry to hear that you got all these problems. Wish I could help you...don't ever change mian...the person I knew then was real and true..stay that way...I just have two questions...did your visitor ever come...and did you really mean what you wrote about on abortion??? Paul

GeniusLo: it's from a guy that she was dating.. and I know it didn't work out between them

GeniusLo: and she hasn't been online for like so many days..

Huggybear747: Well, obviously you're worried about her, but I don't know man, reading her emails is the wrong way to get this info, but I don't know man, sometimes shit like this is better to be found out that way.

Huggybear747: She doesn't tell you any of this stuff?

GeniusLo: well I mean

GeniusLo: nope

GeniusLo: never did

GeniusLo: OK.. first

Huggybear747: You think she's doing it because she doesn't want to burden you.

Huggybear747: ?

GeniusLo: yea

GeniusLo: she mentioned that before

GeniusLo: when we were togehter

Huggybear747: Well, she's got her reasons, she might think you'd get the wrong idea or you might totally reject her, she's probably thinking of all this shit that's why she doesn't tell you.

GeniusLo: man.. I'm so fuxking confused

GeniusLo: a few questions..

GeniusLo: is she pregnat?

GeniusLo: who's bayb is that?

Huggybear747: Nobody can go out there and handle it all alone, but that's her way, you don't have to spring all this stuff on her by revealing that your reading all this email stuff, but just be supportive, show concern...........I guess.

GeniusLo: if that's mine, then I'm sure that's the reason why she did all that to me

Huggybear747: Well, yeah, that's the hairy part.

GeniusLo: but.. the thing is..

GeniusLo: I don't even knwo what's going on

GeniusLo: and..

GeniusLo: I can't just call her and ask

GeniusLo: hey, you have my baby?

GeniusLo: and she's talking about abortion..

GeniusLo: hell no

Huggybear747: Yeah, I see man. I see.

GeniusLo: I don't want to live with guilt forever

GeniusLo: waht the fuxk should I do?

GeniusLo: I guess she doesn't want me to marry her cuz of that?

GeniusLo: I dunno man.. arrrrgggggggg

Huggybear747: Well, if you have to confront her and you can't stand this, just remember to do it because of concern and not anger or anything

GeniusLo: it's concern

GeniusLo: it's love

Huggybear747: I know

GeniusLo: it's responsibility

Huggybear747: I know

GeniusLo: I can't let her take all those pain when it's my problem too

Huggybear747: Well, maybe you could coax it out of her instead of springing all this out

GeniusLo: the thing is

GeniusLo: we don't even talk anymore

GeniusLo: damn.. I need a way to know the truth..

GeniusLo: what can i do...

Huggybear747: Well, I think you'll have to tell her you've been doing all this stuff

Huggybear747: I mean, how else?

GeniusLo: hmm.. i'm thinking..

Huggybear747: Really?

GeniusLo: i'll figure something out

GeniusLo: I'll call up her friend tomorrow

GeniusLo: a guy taht I'm really tight with

GeniusLo: I think he can help me find out

Huggybear747: Tell her, be truthful, be yourself, and if she really cares and most likely she does, she'll listening

Huggybear747: listen*

GeniusLo: ok

Huggybear747: Don't go to her and act like you're gonna solve everything or you're gonna jump in front of the bullet, offer a perspective, listen to hers, do what's right

GeniusLo: ok

Huggybear747: I feel you on women stressing you out...........all too well.

Huggybear747: keeps me up at nights too.

GeniusLo: man..

GeniusLo: aight

Huggybear747: Hope I shed a lil light for ya

GeniusLo: thanks man

Huggybear747: no doubt

Huggybear747: BGA represent!

GeniusLo: THE BGA!

Huggybear747: for life

GeniusLo: yes for life

Huggybear747: and then some

GeniusLo: aight man

GeniusLo: I'm gonna go smoke a jack

Huggybear747: alright, I quit, it's hard dude............

GeniusLo: yea it is

GeniusLo: aight man

Huggybear747: but go have a smoke anyways

Huggybear747: peass

GeniusLo: peace

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