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Brain mush
2002-11-14 - 10:33 a.m.

Man, my head hurts. "Mr. Deeds" was an okay movie. I stayed up and saw it at Freeland's house last night. I just got up too early, that's all. Man, my brain is all warm and soft right now. It feels like mush in my head. Soft mush, like oatmeal with just enough water and it's beginning to dry up and get cold and solid. The only way to reverse it is to sleep more or take a shower and rehydrate the mush.

I've been scouring the Earth for the new David Cross CD, everyone is sold out. What the fuck?!!? Yaknowhatimsayin?!?! Every store I went to got less then 5 copies and they all sold out. poo.

Raven called me last night, weird occurance to once was a daily thing I looked forward to. She wants to "Hang out" I guess. Thanksgiving is coming up. I have no wants to see her new man, whom she's taking with her over the Thanksgiving break. It sounds so childish, but what can I say? Seriously, it's probably better if I never see the guy or her, together. I'm afraid it won't be "kosher" is all. I still see her for the sake of seeing her, I don't want her to feel freaked out, eventhough I bet she's all freaked out talking to me anyways. I am a mess, she doesn't like hearing that I am, but she could give two shits. It's the reason why she leaves and the reason why she stays. You could say the same thing for me in a way, just flip it around a bit. We care, but we can't, but we're so cool, but, but, but, but....................

Awkwardness between me and her is our common ground, has been for a long while, (other then that short and brief time where we were so unbelievely fucking ecstatic that we eventually were too weathered by utter bullshit in and around our lives that we couldn't fully believe that happiness. It happened though.) sadly.

....And I fucking hate this bullshit.

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