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My convo with King Shiesty.
2003-02-06 - 2:03 a.m.

Huggybear747: How is the cat?

Cat: alright

Huggybear747: word.

Huggybear747: How bout the immediate family?

Cat: i would hope they are alright

Huggybear747: nice. You really shiested my friends about stolen XBoxs, my friend Kevin is like, HAVE YOU TALKED TO THAT ONE KID?

Cat: lol

Cat: well the cut doesnt work anymore

Huggybear747: Yeah, I said I'd get back to you.

Cat: best buy caught on to us

Huggybear747: HOw so?

Phushun Cat: LONG STORY

Huggybear747: What did they say?

Cat: but nothing happened

Huggybear747: oh......

Huggybear747: Word

Cat: we just cant get free credit anymore

Huggybear747: Still got the credit ?

Cat: like we still have about 700 left

Huggybear747: IN other stores?

Cat: but that will be spent on personal stuff

Cat: yeah man

Cat: all best buys now

Cat: we cant do it anymore

Huggybear747: Damn.........

Cat: me and Bh are trying to find another cut

Huggybear747: BH?

Cat: yeah

Huggybear747: Who's BH?

Cat: my partner in crie

Cat: crime

Huggybear747: Ahhhh.

Huggybear747: Well, at least you're clean.

Cat: cats are very clean animals

Huggybear747: I thought of a way to get credit card numbers, you're rubbing off on me

Huggybear747: it's fool proof too.

Cat: me and BH and my cousin Andy O have been forging 20 dollars bills and buying packs of gum at 7-11 for the past month

Cat: and it has worked evberytime

Cat: but anyways

Cat: continue

Cat: and we get straight cash back

Cat: its wonderfuil

Cat: but anyways

Cat: what is the credit card scam

Huggybear747: Well, you see sometimes people order food through my place of business with their credit cards.

Huggybear747: Well, when they do, we punch in their numbers and expiration date to authorize the sale.

Cat: ok

Cat: hmmmm

Cat: intersting

Huggybear747: We deliver the food to them and make them sign a slip that we give back to the manager during our cash drops.

Huggybear747: The slip itself, the signed copy has the keyed in number on it.

Cat: damn

Cat: hmmmm

Cat: that could be wonderful

Cat: but how could you use that

Cat: one things for sure

Cat: you would need an abandoned house/address

Cat: then it would be perfect

Huggybear747: The only potentially difficult thing is the exp date, but that can be aquired during the sale or by asking to see the card and identification at time of signing

Cat: dont ever ask for it

Cat: it makes it to hot

Huggybear747: Yeah, I think another kid did this and had the shit delivered to his own house and got caught

Huggybear747: dumbass

Cat: just glance when you look to make sure the card is right

Cat: yeah thats fucking stupid

Huggybear747: Well, most times people ask ME if I want to see the card.

Huggybear747: Most exp dates end at least 2 or 3 years from the sale, you lay back a bit, gather maybe a dozen numbers, use them, send whatever you buy to a fake address, it's impossible to tracc the theft of the card, counting on that the people use their card a bunch, and I mean they're buying pizza with the credit card, they're buying a shitload of other shit.

Cat: yeah man

Cat: mike

Cat: you are on a hot streak

Cat: what i though was....

Cat: people who are moving....

Cat: like their houses are empty right and have the "for sale sign up?

Cat: so we get into their house

Huggybear747: The same thing would work at Blockbuster, shit it used to be a requirement to get credit card numbers for the membership, 3000 members, 3000 numbers man, right in a computer and on documents

Cat: but we ordered the merchandise the previous day and checked next day air mail

Huggybear747: Hahah, shit yeah.

Huggybear747: Hell, you could just be a credit card robin hood and have refrigerators delivered to complete strangers, or people you hate, just buy a dozen refrigderators and put it on some guy's lawn.

Cat: nah you would screw over the recipient

Huggybear747: how so?

Cat: because the feds would think the people that recieve the merchandise ordered it

Cat: even though you sent it to them

Huggybear747: I would love to send a dozen realistic dildos to some people I hate

Cat: or thats how you turn on your enemies

Cat: !!!!

Cat: hahahahahah

Huggybear747: It could be more effective as just a practical joke thing.

Cat: truie

Cat: the only problem is getting caught man

Cat: the pros dont outweigh the cons

Huggybear747: yeah. But look what you were doing.......

Huggybear747: Same risk.

Cat: not as much

Huggybear747: Punishment is way different, but still, jail is jail no matter how much the time.

Cat: not a federal crime punishable by multiple years in state prison if found liable and charged

Huggybear747: yeah.

Huggybear747: True.

Huggybear747: But sending a 6 foot dildo statue to put on some grandma's lawn is pretty funny

Cat: yup

Huggybear747: Only if you and I were 13.

Huggybear747: then it wouldn't be so bad.

Cat: hahahaha

Cat: it would still be bad

Huggybear747: then they'd just look at us like kid geniuses and pay us to appear on talk shows and cash in on a book deal or movie deal.

Huggybear747: Yeah. We'd be too young to realize how bad it was though.


Huggybear747: We blame it all on Tom Green.

Huggybear747: We'd be fine.

Cat: man

Huggybear747: It's not like we're setting each other on fire to be on Jackass

Cat: your making me scheme now

Huggybear747: I'm glad I'm getting people to think, that's a plus, no matter what the thinking is.

Huggybear747: You gotta great mind Peter, don't let that go to waste.

Cat: lol

Huggybear747: Peter I can see you runnin shit, somewhere, somehow.

Cat: if i can be famous....

Cat: ill be infamous

Huggybear747: YOu got the drive, the poise, the mind.

Huggybear747: the patience.

Huggybear747: You got the balls and the know-how, a rare quality it seems in this day and age.

Cat: yea

Cat: you think so

Cat: wel

Cat: well i am concocting another scheme

Cat: but i dont know if it will work

Cat: it can

Cat: and if i can

Cat: oh man

Cat: but i dont know if i want to take the risk

Huggybear747: Well, I'm confident that you are confident in your reasoning, you weigh things well.

Cat: you have to when your in my field of work

Huggybear747: and I hope that the gods be in your favor, whichever path you choose.

Huggybear747: When you live, you have to take risks.

Cat signed off at 1:53:06 AM.

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