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My breakfast with Waters
2003-02-08 - 10:09 a.m.

Huggybear747: so worrying about what?

Ataris Football: I am trying to find it

Huggybear747: I know you're trying to find "it" :D

Huggybear747: Well, at least THE "it"

Huggybear747: ;-)

Ataris Football: Waters, you're doing good on the vinyl, but Bobby Vinton records AREN'T the shit. You and Bobby know more hip-hop then I do now and it's a tad frightening. We'll drink Absinthe and write poetry one day, I'll promise you that. Stop stressing over bitches, especially Frostburg women, you and Bobby with the constant quest to hit skins, just get your shit together and like the field of dreams it'll come in more ways then one.

Ataris Football: it was in the I didn't leave

Huggybear747: Yeah, you're looking for the "IT" girl

Ataris Football: the IT girl

Ataris Football: I do not remember ever saying that

Huggybear747: You didn't

Huggybear747: But come on, you are.

Ataris Football: explain the IT girl to me

Ataris Football: and why you think I was looking for her

Huggybear747: The girl that's the sugar in your tea

Huggybear747: I still think you are looking

Huggybear747: I still believe I found one, hell!

Ataris Football: after awhile I just stopped looking

Ataris Football: like about 1/4 of the way through last semester I stopped looking

Ataris Football: then I started again until about 3/4 of the way though

Huggybear747: for what?

Ataris Football: and I stopped

Ataris Football: for the IT girl

Huggybear747: Yeah, but seriously, you just want to find some girl, some genuine specimen

Ataris Football: no I don't

Ataris Football: look, I have had specimens

Ataris Football: and now i know i do not just want a warm body who maybe moves her hips at times

Huggybear747: Well, indeed.

Huggybear747: But you do want certain things?

Ataris Football: I defeinetely want more than that

Ataris Football: of course I want certan things

Huggybear747: that's good

Huggybear747: like what?

Ataris Football: man

Huggybear747: okay, blah blah blah

Ataris Football: I really don't know

Ataris Football: I just let it flow now

Huggybear747: nevermind

Ataris Football: what about you man

Huggybear747: Well, that's good. I think to myself, if it's spontenatiety I'm looking for, how the hell am I gonna find it thinking like that?

Ataris Football: yeah

Ataris Football: I want like something to just happen

Ataris Football: but the nI realize if it just happened it would still take some planning

Huggybear747: There's nothing genuine about something I'm premeditating and scheming for

Ataris Football: everything t akes some bit of planning

Huggybear747: It takes a jump at chance

Ataris Football: at times i am afraid to jump

Ataris Football: who is not though

Huggybear747: who isn't

Huggybear747: it's a whole new universe

Ataris Football: it is man

Ataris Football: sometimes I wish I grew up in the 40s or 50s

Ataris Football: shit just seemed easier then

Huggybear747: You just gotta realize Rejection and acceptance are always gonna happen but the chances aren't

Ataris Football: that is deep

Huggybear747: I like the era of surf movies, those binikis where you could see the ladies cracks almost, hotness

Ataris Football: yes it was

Ataris Football: now you see the crack everywhere

Huggybear747: I know

Ataris Football: you can't go to even a PG movie and not see something like that

Ataris Football: it is sad how sexual the world became

Ataris Football: I just want some wholesome goodness damnit

Huggybear747: I go to G movies and see lil girls with those low riding pants and then I ask for their numbers, when their mothers get the popcorn of course

Ataris Football: oh of course

Huggybear747: Wholesome goodness is what you make it.

Ataris Football: I know

Ataris Football: but now wholesome goodness is not letting a guy jizz on your face

Huggybear747: and you can make it anything

Ataris Football: girls think of that as wholesome goodness

Huggybear747: as long as you have the patience to stand it.

Ataris Football: I do have the patience

Huggybear747: Yeah. It's a common Misperception.

Ataris Football: see my name is not vladimir, i am not russian anything

Huggybear747: are you gonna name your kid Blanket?

Ataris Football: I think comforter

Huggybear747: I'm gonna name my freak love child Korean Throw

Ataris Football: intriguing

Ataris Football: why a freak love child?

Huggybear747: Well, that's what Michael Jackson's 3rd kid was

Huggybear747: Tell me you saw that interview.

Huggybear747: brb

Ataris Football: bits and pieces

Ataris Football: I was playing taboo during

Huggybear747: man

Huggybear747: priceless

Ataris Football: I heard

Ataris Football: I saw bits and pieces

Huggybear747: nice

Ataris Football: and re ad how Micheal is all pissed off now

Ataris Football: and thinking of sueing

Huggybear747: Whatever

Ataris Football: because it made him look bad

Huggybear747: So public opinion is gonna change if he sues?

Huggybear747: Such a freak

Ataris Football: man its micheal jackson, you try to figure him out

Ataris Football: he probabl;y needs money

Ataris Football: I heard he is pretty broke now

Huggybear747: a fucked up 44 year old Peter Pan living in a life of fame and delusion on an amusement park

Huggybear747: with a kid named blanket

Ataris Football: man I don't know

Huggybear747: broke?!?! Sell a fucking roller coaster.

Huggybear747: Sell some rights to Beatles songs.

Huggybear747: He'll be okay

Huggybear747: His accountants will take care of it.

Huggybear747: As long as he and the children can go on late night balloon rides

Ataris Football: man I don't know, that is just what i heard

Huggybear747: Well, it's not like I'll be crying if the bars of his delusion change from gold to silver

Ataris Football: and so is mike tyson

Huggybear747: Mike Tyson is used to it.

Huggybear747: he'll be fine

Ataris Football: well whatever they are, it is not really my concern

Huggybear747: Seriously

Huggybear747: I wish I could just eat all day

Ataris Football: so you think one day we will drink absynth, get really gone and write poetry that in the morning we will not understand

Huggybear747: and play playstation 2.

Ataris Football: take one slice of pizza out of every box

Huggybear747: Hey, of course.

Huggybear747: Get the absinthe ordered, we'll set a date..........

Ataris Football: I'll see what i can do

Huggybear747: absinthe or how bout mushrooms?

Ataris Football: naw, I try not to use drugs

Ataris Football: I did pot a few times, that was it

Huggybear747: pot?!?!? When?!?!? and I was not present?!?!?

Ataris Football: i am sorry

Huggybear747: What's Absinthe?!?!?

Ataris Football: a liquor

Huggybear747: alcohol is a drug.

Ataris Football: yeah

Huggybear747: Mushrooms man!

Ataris Football: naw man

Ataris Football: no mushrooms for me

Huggybear747: it'll be the first for me too.

Huggybear747: come on.

Huggybear747: we'll get Greg to supervise.

Ataris Football: well I doubt two first time users in the same room will be a good experience

Ataris Football: supervise? Please he will want to join in

Huggybear747: supervision.

Huggybear747: My friend Kevin would be down

Ataris Football: we shall see what happens

Ataris Football: I need to work on my writing before anything happens

Huggybear747: Man, we'll just go to a park all day when the weather gets good

Ataris Football: I do not know how to put the words together to convey the meaning I want

Huggybear747: you need to work on your writing? Shit, I write like a first grader with one of those writing tablets with the space on top to draw pictures

Ataris Football: I write like a pre-schooler whe nI try to be intelligent

Huggybear747: expand your vocab. Try not to think in terms of words when describing something, find some relation that could be easier to decipher with words.

Ataris Football: man I try

Huggybear747: write everyday

Huggybear747: keep trying

Ataris Football: I usually do

Ataris Football: I have been updating on diaryland too

Huggybear747: it's a process, an unending process

Huggybear747: I saw that

Ataris Football: on a near daily basis

Huggybear747: there you go.

Huggybear747: doing better then I am already.

Ataris Football: you update pretty often

Ataris Football: you have the gold membership don't you?

Huggybear747: not daily for the most part.

Ataris Football: yeah but pretty often

Huggybear747: of course, I never leave anywhere without the gold card

Ataris Football: I was thinking of that

Ataris Football: but I don't think it would make sense

Huggybear747: Take a journal book with you wherever you go and when something comes to you, write it down, that's what I try to do.

Huggybear747: what would make sense?

Ataris Football: it would not make sense for me to get a gold membership

Ataris Football: I do not upload pictures

Ataris Football: and I don;'t need 15 MBs

Ataris Football: I usually bring a blue book around

Ataris Football: and I write during class sometimes

Huggybear747: word

Huggybear747: I got a scanner and digital camera, you know, sometimes pictures are worth a thousand words

Ataris Football: I know man

Huggybear747: or should I say a Dland Membership

Ataris Football: I have none of that though

Huggybear747: yeah

Huggybear747: I feel your pain

Huggybear747: Well, let me get ready for wiz-erk

Ataris Football: wizerd

Ataris Football: I'll hit you up later

Huggybear747: okay

Ataris Football: word

Huggybear747: get better

Huggybear747: peass

Ataris Football: peace out homeslice

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