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Only in America
2003-02-28 - 12:43 a.m.

America, the place where a underage sex offender (They haven't proven it in a court of law, YET but really did an R Kelly stunt double sneak into his house, get a 14 year old girl to pee on, get it on tape, dub it, and then go back to the house and neatly drop off a copy of R KELLY PISSIN ON A 14 YEAR OLD inbetween his VHS copies of "Quigley Down Under" and "Steel Magnolias" in his movie collection?)can have an album go gold in a week and the show HOT OR NOT can be a reality. What the hell, Lorenzo Lamas, the postmodern cowboy pointing out stretch marks on a vain, sad sack of bones of a woman with a green laser pointer?!?! Seriously, grown men, men with the bodies of Altas, crying like little bitches. What the hell is wrong with America?!!?

Seriously, I caught parts of that whole troops in Iraq and Afganistan bullshit on ABC too, which aired before HOT OR NOT. I think ABC is trying to get those hillbilly ratings. Fucking retarded patriotism, this is geared towards folks with the "patroitism trifecta SUV" with the Plastic flag on the side of the window, the flag slipped on the antenna with the WILSON ball on top, and the UNITED WE STAND bumper sticker. Someone called Saddam Hussein a thug. I don't think Saddam is bumpin 50 Cent, blingin Ice, and drinkin malt liquor.

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