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operation dumbo drop
2003-05-02 - 11:29 p.m.

Wish me luck, everything is coming together at once and I'm still avoiding it, but it seems that the time is near evident. Maybe my head will blow up like in that movie, "Scanners."

Actually, don't wish me luck. Fuck it. Really, where I'm taking all this shit--luck doesn't even seem to hold weight. Nothing short of an act from the gods would magically make all my critical events get up and walk away. I've been silently pouting so long now to no response. You realize how futile your own voice can get to people around you and especially yourself included.

Takin' it like a man? Nah, far from it. I wish I was regarded and done with that easy, but whoever's upstairs, they don't cut corners.

Anyways, apoligize for my jibberish, passing out mid entry, I don't know how I made it this far......

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