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About Me

More crazy talk..........
2003-08-02 - 10:56 a.m.

I am unimpressed. Either that, or I am depressed again. I really don't think I'm depressed, but again and again I see everyone and everything around me participating in things I've already experienced and reveling in their moments and all I'm thinking is, "They don't see it. They don't see this big picture I see."

I see people stuck on the rawness of moments, reveling in the near automated responses which they think is "truth" since they have seemingly have no control of these things. I see people going absolutely carnal. I see people in addiction. I see people governed by arbitrary things thinking if they have "this" or possess "this" that they'll be fufilling a want or need that they feel naked without.

I catch myself doing the same things and I guess in due time some people catch themselves eventually. But I'm sick of valuing things. I'm sick of envying things. I'm sick of coveting things.

My stomach turns when I start to think that we measure out our lives between distractions.

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