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The dream of dreams
2003-08-05 - 10:07 a.m.

I had about two or three dreams last night. One was a really nice dream. One I didn't want to get out of. The other......I already forgot. I really wish that first dream comes true, but I guess there's a reason in why they are called "dreams."

And for all you fan(s) wondering, it wasn't a dirty dream. It was a love dream. I hardly ever remember my dreams but last night, it was so vivid and intense, I almost damn near cried, but then I smiled knowing the sweet irony that dictates all things.

I woke up from that dream at 4:44am. I make a wish whenever I see the clock say:









The same wish for years now. Altered slightly at times, but pretty much the same wish. Everytime I turn to even see a clock now, it strikes one of these times. The sweet irony that dictates all things. God is trying to tell me something.

I have an uncanny ability to predict the time.

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