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About Me

2003-08-25 - 12:42 a.m.

To answer the question to why I think about you so much, all you gotta do is put a mirror in front of you as you go about your day. Beauty in motion. I see it in your eyes. The question about why it's so hard to just speak to you now, is harder to answer. It's within me, but it's harder to answer. You walk away from the wall as I push right into it. Reaching a point at the brink of feasibility and barely teetering forth into a rank of impossibility, these feelings I have for you have not changed. My bet has been placed. All my heart is placed on a theory of Truth and Love and I've yet to see you turn your cards. You turned your back, but not your cards. I've willingly accepted this gesture and encompassed my life with distractions and life lessons and I see you, through my painted canvases, you, as you strut forth, back and forth through the possibilities of human experience. You rise like a Phoenix over the populace, lacing those who you touch with raw energy and beauty rare in reality and rampant in imagination. I bet at times it gets blurry, but you look at ease in a hurry, so why worry? I see you there, laying waste to worry, making moves when you have to, crying when you want to, living on experiencing all at maximum. It's no wonder to me why you are named after a bird that beckons death. For it is vivid life that flashes before my eyes in your presence and it is cold silence I feel now in and around you. You were the harbinger of my old ways dying and the seed of my ressurrection, but my heart remains at a standstill. Unable to unlock it's own potentials, I thought I had credentials, but I got a score to settle. With this god, this truth and love, with you.

I stand waiting with a smile, with a question in my heart, and a mind making bets.

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