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Is there such a thing about artistic oppression?
2003-09-16 - 12:22 a.m.

MrBongoNWC: I figure it would take about 10,000 dollars to get a indie film studio setup.

MrBongoNWC: I just crunched some numbers.

Huggybear747: Maybe

Huggybear747: Depending on what you THINK you need

MrBongoNWC: Let's see....wireless mics....steadycam for HD....Canon XL-1....sound mixer....editing software....

MrBongoNWC: Shotgun mic....wind rigs....

MrBongoNWC: Well maybe 15,000.

Huggybear747: You want a computer, stop thinking about the money

Huggybear747: buy when you are in a pinch and it adds up

Huggybear747: Seriously, you can do alot with a little, people instantly think they need 15000 to start a project

MrBongoNWC: Naw....15,000 for equipment....

MrBongoNWC: I'm doing it on the cheap....I got to get them piece by ever loving piece.

MrBongoNWC: Knowing how big the mountain doesn't mean you shouldn't climb it.

MrBongoNWC: It just let's you know how big the mountain is.

Huggybear747: Fuck a mountain, make your shit, that's the main concern

MrBongoNWC: In order to make shit I want to see and would put up against any other flick any day of the week, I need 15,000 dollars of equipment.

MrBongoNWC: But from now to's all improvisation.

Huggybear747: 15000 worth of shit can make shit easier, but it don't MAKE SHIT

Huggybear747: Case and point, Nick.

MrBongoNWC: Thank you Tony Robbins.

Huggybear747: You can do this shit on the cheap.

MrBongoNWC: I can do great shit on 15,000.

Huggybear747: Well, that's what you think

Huggybear747: you have no idea about cameras John, hardly

MrBongoNWC: Hey...I put a price tag on my dream. A goal. There's nothing wrong with that.

Huggybear747: You haven't done any solid editing

MrBongoNWC: I'm reading.

MrBongoNWC: I'm learning.

MrBongoNWC: Before I buy....before I commit.

Huggybear747: Well, be more concerned with that then raising 15000

Huggybear747: Because it's gonna take a long while

Huggybear747: and if you get into this mentality where you get bitter that you're saving all this shit and nothing is happening, your desire to make anything folds

Huggybear747: You become a film geek

Huggybear747: and nothing more

MrBongoNWC: I am a film geek

MrBongoNWC: The important thing is that I don't feel that the world thinks I'm one.

Huggybear747: Anyone can make shit happen with 15000, but make something out of virtually nothing, is more rewarding and resourceful then a person who limits themselves to conform to a certain look or feel

Huggybear747: Look at lack of cash as a challenge and not a barrier


Huggybear747: That's where you separate the lovers from the fuckheads that love movies with subtitles

Huggybear747: YOU NEED things to make art

Huggybear747: Obviously

MrBongoNWC: Or that's snotty anti-bougeosie Bohemian bitter envy.

MrBongoNWC: If they HAD these things....they WOULD use them.

Huggybear747: Yeah, but why wait around for them, seriously, 15000, you'll have that in............................10 years

Huggybear747: 10 years of shit, then what, then you'll need something else

MrBongoNWC: Um

MrBongoNWC signed off at 11:36:52 PM.

Huggybear747: Buy shit, it's great, but don't let that control your own artistic ability

MrBongoNWC: lost my connection!

MrBongoNWC: damn.

MrBongoNWC: ok

Huggybear747: okay what?

MrBongoNWC: Listen....there's nothing wrong with mapping out.

MrBongoNWC: Think 12 steps ahead isn't intimidating unless you let them be.

Huggybear747: nope, but you sound like everyone else, seriously. People that love to make video and film just up and do it

MrBongoNWC: How do you know?

Huggybear747: You been to Towson

Huggybear747: You want to see the parade of delusion?

Huggybear747: You're no stranger to this.

MrBongoNWC: Limited sphere, man. You can't say that that's the norm til' you been more places than that.

Huggybear747: okay, yeah, so you're telling me that all the geeks I see here aren't all around this Earth

Huggybear747: thinking they'll be the next Kevin Smith?

MrBongoNWC: Yup....they are there.

MrBongoNWC: Not in full force like you think.

Huggybear747: At best, they'll be grips FOR Kevin Smith

Huggybear747: They are, look at film school enrollment.

Huggybear747: Seriously, look at the EMF at Towson after Blair Witch

Huggybear747: The major is broken into 3 different sub majors

Huggybear747: You got to take a PRE EMF course before you become a full fledge major

Huggybear747: Look at UT

Huggybear747: You think this is the future of Hollywood?

Huggybear747: Is Hollywood becoming a big booming industry of growth? Nope, people wanting to invest their money in hopes of just touching close to it is.

MrBongoNWC: So...what do you do when everybody CLAIMS to be an artist, Mike? Just choose here-say or rebel for the sake of rebellion?

MrBongoNWC: Be the poor artist martyrdom....lay your cross on a bed of VHS tapes of backyard wrestling footage?

Huggybear747: Why can't it simply be a reason for wanting to do something because you love IT, not the stars, not the glamour, not the coolness you get, just loving it

MrBongoNWC: Why do you think my motivation is EMULATION?

Huggybear747: Listen to yourself

Huggybear747: MrBongoNWC: In order to make shit I want to see and would put up against any other flick any day of the week, I need 15,000 dollars of equipment.

MrBongoNWC: Remember when I talked about the death of parody?

Huggybear747: nope

MrBongoNWC: Yesterday.

Huggybear747: nope

MrBongoNWC: How SNL of old was better than new.

Huggybear747: I was half dead yesterday

Huggybear747: okay

Huggybear747: I remember

MrBongoNWC: The reason being is because SNL shot on the same TV cameras as the other shows at Rockafeller Center....They stole from NBC....they were subversive by using the systems tools against each other....but in an age of self-parody....turning the gun on themselves if it were only makes the original seem carbon copied....stale and unimaginative.

MrBongoNWC: Since they themselves are clones of European TV originals....or poor shots at Nostalgia.

MrBongoNWC: It's almost like we are hungry as hell for something culturally...but we don't have the patience to cook.

Huggybear747: I have no fucking idea of what you said.

Huggybear747: and what it has to do with thinking you need all this shit just to make art.

MrBongoNWC: You miss the point.

Huggybear747: I don't know where the point is

MrBongoNWC: What have I said time and time again about destroying the past?

Huggybear747: where it should be, no fucking clue

MrBongoNWC: To do have to destroy it from within....strike the cracks in the system and let it blow.

Huggybear747: okay, so that's what you're gonna do with all this shit

Huggybear747: A punk with a suit and tie

MrBongoNWC: Punk HAD no focus.

MrBongoNWC: This does.

MrBongoNWC: This is subversive.

MrBongoNWC: Beating the monster at his own game.

Huggybear747: So that's what it is

Huggybear747: a game

Huggybear747: Do what YOU want to do

MrBongoNWC: I'm sorry....but I've seen what happens to the PURE artis.

MrBongoNWC: artist.

Huggybear747: I notice a big similarity amongst people I think are great artists

MrBongoNWC: They don't get treated very kindly as visionaries.

Huggybear747: they are oblivious and also not ignorant to the systems that be

MrBongoNWC: Hey...A guy's got to eat.

MrBongoNWC: Who wants to only be remembered when he's dead?

MrBongoNWC: Quit taking the high road, Jesus.

Huggybear747: Yeah, buy 1000 piggy banks

Huggybear747: And measure your worth by that

MrBongoNWC: Martyrdom serves everyone but the martyr, Mike.

Huggybear747: Yeah, I think of myself as a martyr John.......

Huggybear747: But whose on a crusade into the abyss to turn the world upside down

Huggybear747: Call me a martyr when you're wielding the swords

MrBongoNWC: How is that?

Huggybear747: Fucking up the system from within?

Huggybear747: Did I hear you wrong?

MrBongoNWC: How do you beat the monster? By FUCKING shooting bullshit in your backyard?

MrBongoNWC: Come on....

MrBongoNWC: You can't change it unless you are knee deep in it.

Huggybear747: Save your pennies John for that bittersweet payoff.

MrBongoNWC:'s your shit coming along?

Huggybear747: You are a human on this Earth, you are neck deep in it

MrBongoNWC: Pure human expression is truly impossible....communication is the substitute for it.

Huggybear747: Yeah, I got nothing to show you John, must mean I'm worthless

MrBongoNWC: Language, Art, Books, Poetry, Music.....all out of frustration for not being able to lay down the feeling.

MrBongoNWC: How do you measure, eh? How do you know you're on the right path? How do you know that you AREN'T a fool?

Huggybear747: Don't be some film dumbass, do that for me. Be Easy, go light, stay free.

MrBongoNWC: I promise.

Huggybear747: Good

MrBongoNWC: Hey....Groucho, Harpo, and Chico....had a fourth Marx.....Zeppo....he produced everything.....he made them stars from within.....we need a Zeppo.

MrBongoNWC: Or we won't ascend to a mass audience.

MrBongoNWC: Do you agree?

Huggybear747: Some people just need Jesus

MrBongoNWC: Jesus had 13 guys to bum money off of.

Huggybear747: You're never alone in struggle

MrBongoNWC: And where would Jesus be if 12 guys didn't go into the desert and talk about him highly?

MrBongoNWC: Struggle for what exactly?

Huggybear747: Does it matter where he would be?

MrBongoNWC: I don't know about you....but I think the journey is struggling til' you find out what you were doing it for.

MrBongoNWC: Purpose in reverse. A life lived.

Huggybear747: Anything, making film, raising a family, going to work....

MrBongoNWC: Justification.

Huggybear747: in your heart, in your mind, that's the only place you need it

Huggybear747: ANYWAYS, must study the bolex practical for a quiz tommorrow.

Huggybear747: Night

Huggybear747: peass

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