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About Me

Lazy days and halloween nights.
2003-11-01 - 4:23 p.m.

So I've been sitting on my ass as of late. Before I started typing this entry in, I was lying on my bed with my face in my pillow for a good hour or so. I did make a little song called "Why does every sad song have to start in A minor?" and I just basically ripped the Metallica "Fade to Black" progression. I read my "Complete Guitarist" book a little bit, trying to understand single note exercises and shit.

My father gave me 50 bucks today in charity. I'm jobless. I'm poor and have little desire in finding a job. I hate it. I'm thinking I start selling shit, all the cool shit I've accumulated over the past years.

I had a good Halloween night for the most part. I DJed outside for the trick or treaters and Nick handed out candy and drank PBR's. I spun funky little numbers, Bboy stuff, alot of my 45s, rare funk, instrumental stuff, and scratched halloween screams, witch laughter and blowing wind tones throughout. Alot of kids wanted to see the turntables, they were child-mystified at the sight. At first, some kids were afraid to come to Nick because the music was loud. Alot of kids liked it, I got props here and there. Alot of kids wanted to mess with my tables. One older black woman came to me saying, "I heard you playing down the street and I was like *insert booty shaking here*" and her kid was trying to mess with the tables and she was like "Stop it boy, you know that stuff is expensive, you never mess with the DJ like that!" I had a handful of kids dancing in the driveway. Around 8pm, when the trick or treaters stopped, some teenagers came down and asked me to spin some Bmore club and I obliged and did and they were dancing all up and down my driveway to some Rod Lee. Hotness.

Alot of kids don't even seem to care anymore. A whole rack of kids didn't even say TRICK OR TREAT, they just came up and opened their pillowcases/shopping bags/book bags and said nothing. Some weren't even dressed up, not even a mask or anything. We saw one fat kid who just wore a white T-shirt covered in blood and we saw another fat kid with a mask shaped like a Baseball and he was carrying around a bat and shirt covered in blood. There was a couple of kids in a golf cart with strobe lights on it carrying around a chainsaw.

Then Nick, Kevin, and Logan all sat in the basement and drank and I honed my top rock skills and we shot the shit and had some vicious staredown contests.

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