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No More WIshes, Just Ultimatums
2003-11-05 - 11:03 p.m.

Yeah, it's hard to scramble around for something of worth when you're alone. It seems nothing carries worth unless you feel a desire for it from outside your body. When I'm alone, I'm never really satisfied. I guess I do have a very high definition for satisfaction, which explains alot the times it seems unattainable, but I have reached places that have pleased me. But Worth, worth, worth. I think very concretely and very Americanesque. It's the boy that was always told to just work hard when all else fails. Blah blah blah.

Somethings have been on my mind lately. I got the idea the other day about watching that M. Knight Shamalan guy and I think 60 minutes talking about movie piracy. It was such a crock of shit. This whole issue of piracy could be solved quite easily without attacking every student/pirater/computer file sharer in the world. Why don't these movie houses up the security on their films/masters/prints/etc????? Why attack file sharers so specifically? Bootlegs of everything have been around forever. You can still get some promo copy of a movie or a videotaped movie off the street with a fake cover. In my humble opinion, It's just been an overall push to influence and gain control of the internet in general. Itunes? Now there's a place where you can download movies too. You know, the music industry bitched about it's slumping record sales and demise of CD singles, but people are always gonna buy CDs and shit, most stuff the companies are concerned about are the new releases and whatnot and really have nothing to do with anything over a year old. It's just a push for internet control under a guise of fighting piracy.

Seriously, like the Do-Not-Call list, why make a list of people not to call? Why not make a list of people that want to get calls? That list would be a hell of alot shorter, don't you think?

And drugs. Think about this shit. Why go after small time dealers and arresting fiends when you can just go ahead and keep track of people that buy 1000s of those little baggies??? Who the fuck uses those little zip loc baggies (apple bags) other then drug dealers? Or little vials? Who buys those other then crack dealers?

And why don't CEOs have quality control?

I guess it's all alot more complicated then what I think, but it's worth a thought.

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