






Hot Button Action!


About Me

I fought the laws, and busted a nut......
2003-11-08 - 12:23 p.m.

If you read my last entry, I just lost my battle 15 minutes ago. I was grooming myself in that "area" you know, where some fear to tread. I wanted to "knock down some of the hedge" if you know what I'm saying and I have to also say that I did a pretty damn good job, it's like my penis has got a high top fade that is blown out evenly a lil on the sides, like KID from Kid n Play, but you know, not as thick or quite as curly. But you know, when you're grooming that area, you gotta tug this and pull that and lather up this n that and washing off the area in warm water and wash, wash, wash.....*shutter*........god......and it was like my hand had a mind of it's own and said, "Hey, Mike, I got this, let me take this see, like this, at the head you know, nice and slow with a lil twist of the wrist, you like that huh?" And pretty soon, all that backup traffic is umm, pretty much gushing out like crazy. It's not my best "release" but damn, it's sure up there in moneyshots, nowhere near a multiple or anything, but geez, I had a bit to clean up. I am sad. I wonder is this how addicts feel when they give in.......

I swear, my mind set myself up, SHAVING.........god, I should of known better, that rat bastard. God damnit, I've been foiled by my own damn self.

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