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About Me

The Peth survey thingie
2004-02-07 - 8:49 a.m.

01. i'm left-handed.

02. i spend a lot of time in front of computers.

03. i sorta love to read, and i collect books compulsively. I read too slowly for my own good, and have neglected far too many of the classics.

04. i would like to work around intelligent life forces, and do Intelligent but deeply socially retarded in various ways.

05. I've never killed a man.

06. i like to cook. I am known for making decent meals out of random elements.

07. i try my best to escape, but i'm not so successful at it.

08. I wear glasses. I have since 6th grade.

09. things i will always talk about include: food, books i like, sex, porn, being tired, being ugly, hookers.

10. I've never had a pet. I am allergic to cats and some dogs, but it doesn't make me stop loving my friend's cats and dogs.

11. i have issues with men.

12. I think it's advantageous to have a psychological breakdown once in awhile.

13. I've never been to Bermuda, and have minimal interest in going. I'm not so good with the hot hot heat.

14. One time in the Philippines, I went to my mother's rural hometown and the schoolkids followed me around and were late for school, just to look at me from a distance, like I was some big half-white giant.

15. I'm quick-witted when it comes to belittling.

16. i enjoy a variety of musical styles, including bulgarian folk music.

17. I have a friend named "Bat" who has pages upon pages of weird shit I've said over the years, all of which he explains are "gems."

18. I get sick if I attempt to read in the car for long stretches.

19. Sometimes, when I walk into a room, I size people up like I just walked into a Royal Rumble.

20. napping makes me groggy, but usually deliciously so.

21. I have a tattoo which no one ever sees.

22. sometimes i feel i never get anything i ask for. it's often not true.

23. Most people, if they had the task of describing me in 3 words or less, they'd say one of the following: Crazy, Funny, asshole.

24. I have a fascination with Pandas.

25. the term 'feminist' has lost its kick. unfortunately.

26. I live for irony.

27. Until I looked it up on the internet, I didn't know what "cagey" meant. I thought it meant something like "Feisty."

28. my family is Protestantly distant, but loving.

29. i find cleaning and organizing enjoyable, once i get around to doing it, and the last place I ever clean is my room.

30. I like a good mopping.

31. i have controversial and conflicting beliefs about animal rights.

32. I've never been to Disneyworld, nor care to be.

33. I'm a nail biter.

34. I like rough, pumice-y soaps.

35. It amuses me when people use words over and over in conversation like they're "Power" words or something.

36. When I'm on the clock for some reason or the other, I feel bad for being idle.

37. i've almost always been hella apolitical.

38. i have problems paying attention during long conversations, and often find myself trying to catch up with what's been said. i often can't even pay attention to books i am reading.

39 I used to be overly concerned with the past. one might venture to say "obsessed", even. I chalked it up to nostalgia, but friends and lovers found it disturbing.

40. Sometimes, I often think about vanishing from where I am without a a ninja.......and smoke bombs............yeah.......

41. i really enjoy thoughtful gifts. i stress too much over finding the right gift for folks. I don't think i'm all that good at it.

42. I think driving is the best time to listen to CDs.

43. Some people might think of me as a hopeless romantic.

44. At buffets, I believe only in GYMW, otherwise known as "Get Your Money's Worth."

45. I have a stack of books I've been told to read but haven't.

46. I read Bell Hooks "Killing Rage" on my breaks at work.

47. i don't have much of any desire to birth babies. but you never know.

48. Thanks to Digital cable, I've enjoyed programs I would of never took the time to set aside to watch.

49. i think the lack of courtesy and empathy are sucking the soul out of the united states.

50. I'm picking up 30+ porn tapes for free today for "artistic" purposes.

51. i like silence. I also really like the sound of tinny piano music coming from another room.

52. i love to drive and listen to NPR or old time radio theatre.

53. late night car rides make me feel sexy and frisky.

54. I had a ficus once, I peed in it.

55. I powder.

56. I love Johnson's Baby Colonge.

57. I want drink every 40oz beer or malt liquor ever made, not because I like to drink specifically, but the whole ghetto aura that is contained in a 40oz bottle.

58. I've never fired a real gun.

59. My friend and I have a hilarious secret that we'll take to the grave.

60. My apathy boggles the minds of many men and women.

61. I currently work in a factory, "Leverne and Shirley" style.

62. At my workplace, I am probably known as the big, young guy with the big glasses.

63. deep down inside, i don't know whether i like myself, though i think i am a pretty good person.

64. i think people should have to take a test before being allowed to reproduce. I also think that sex offenders who mess with children should be quarantined for life. Meaning, they should be sent to a place with no access to children. Some might call it a prison, I like to call it an adults-only resort.

65. I like pissing outside.

66. i like to people watch.

67. i am disappointed by the fact that I don't know a whole lot about one topic. I'm not an expert at anything. I know a little about a lot of things.

68. i love to dance, on my linoleum floor in my basement.

69. crowds unsettle me.

70. i have smoked pot, in the past. I don't have much of an inclination for it now.

71. i have a modern affection for androgyny, and i'm fascinated and thrilled by intersexual people. I have trouble with drag queens and kings though.

72. My first crush was in first grade.

73. I'd drink with George Bush and talk bullshit.

74. I constantly worry about how i appear to others. I often fear that I am boring.

75. I protest standards of love.

76. sex? yes, please

77. i love hearing people talk about sex.

78. I would dearly love to watch.

79. If the world has taught me anything, it's: "Hey, it's easy to bullshit!"

80. i've been keeping my online diary for almost 4 years. yikes.

81. I feel like I need to hop on a spaceship and go back to my home planet.

82. Style without function is garbage.

83. i love the ocean, but i rarely go to see it.

84. i'm good at recognizing faces. i'm bad at remembering names.

85. I hate to kill insects, but sometimes one must decimate the hoards of centipedes carousing in one's basement.

86. I want to live in a rowhouse with an expansive porch and stoop so I can drink on it.

87. i never got a chance to date alot.

88. i pride myself on my good spelling.

89. I never trusted any man I've met who wore sunglasses inside.

90. I want more tattoos that no one will ever see.

91. i am superstitious to a point. I believe in juju, karma, and omens. To a point.

92. I don't believe in the phrase "Carb-friendly."

93. i need people to call me on my cell phone to make the whole thing worth it.

94. i love email.

95. I almost always scratch my crotch while on the phone.

96. often, i just want to be invisible.

97. i like to try and be a good person. sometimes this is not so difficult.

98. I can see the traits I get from both parents I have and it's frightening to me.

99. i worry about value in everything I do.

100. I don't think I'm so, so funny, but I guess I am in a respect because many times I make people laugh without even trying.

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