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About Me

Bad Boy For Life
2004-10-13 - 10:54 a.m.

Been so busy...........So very ain't even gonna stop until November 8th I think.........god knows what other intangibles fly up into my path.......


-Almost getting seriously injured, getting thrown off a wilford Brimley makeup.......(oddly, the other day, Christopher Reeve dies and it makes it all the freakier.)

-I share my birthday with Rodney Dangerfield's death.

-I got a bottle of scotch from Bob Log III got really drunk at the Mojo Room and fell in love with the The Town Bikes (which drove me to buy a shirt from them that was two sizes too small.)

-I bought 118 dollars worth of records from Joe's Record Paradise and bought theBerry Gordy's Last Dragon Soundtrack, along with the new Time Machine album, "Slow Your Roll" <-hot to deff.......complete with interludes..........every dope hip-hop album has them, remember that.....

-Tiki Party at Ryan and Tracy's.....Coconut Bras were in attendence.

-Movie shoots galore upcoming......Erica's movie.......Zombie shoot next weekend.....

-My job is in talks of giving me a Management training position......Mike might be going corporate working 7-3, Monday thru Friday just like old people do........I'm crossing my fingers, that shit would kick some major ass.

Thanks to all that wished me a happy Bday........Thanks to all that understand my haste and kick me in the ass and make me get up in the early afternoon........

I know I'm forgetting about ten things.......but I'm on the here's a picture of John Kerry awkwardly trying to play football.........

.........Whatta bitch........closing his never touched a football in his life.......You'd probably get the same thing from George Bush if you asked him to measure the Hypotenuse of a triangle....he'd probably close his eyes and wince like a pussy too....AND WE'RE ALL LIKE VOTE OR DIE!!!!!!!! <-I'm glad Diddy got the idea to make 3 million uneducated voters vote and buy 30 dollar Sean John T-shirts............Man is genius I swear.....WE AIN'T......GO....-ING......NOWHERE.....WE AIN'T.....GOIN' NOWHERE.....WE CAN'T BE STOP NOW....CAUSE WE BAD BOY FOR LIFE.....

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