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About Me

Unsent memos of my childhood........
2005-03-14 - 3:46 p.m.

To George ___,

You grew up on the other side of our duplex for some time and I wondered if you ever noticed the gigantic river of snot coming out of your left nostril at all times? Frankly, the shit is nasty and your parents really should of checked if you had a sinus infection or something.....and oh yeah, also they should check if you're retarded because that one time you ran outside the house naked, with the toy machine gun that former neighbor lawrence and I covered in honey and left in that vacant house and subsequently got covered in fire ants........yeah, take that skills test holmes.

To lil Greg,

Apoligies on the freeze-tag incident. You pissed your pants because I made you stay froze and stood next to you so James couldn't unfreeze you. Your devotion to the game astonishes me though, but what did you expect me to do when playing a 3 person game of freeze tag? When you openly say you have to pee when you're frozen, you're just testing my limits as a good human being and frankly, you pissed your pants because you believed in a false sense of hope and reality in a game that was already ridiculous to start with.

To Eric _______,

Why do you always have to piss on everything you owned and become a child-child molester? You need a Ritalin IV you lil german bastard child.

To Lawrence ______,

I remember one time around 7pm on a texas summer dusk evening, you were standing outside 2 houses down in the middle of our neighbor's front yard with you pants hanging around your ankles for all those passerbys to see.........what up with that? My only guess is that you found some sort of liberation that only a toddler could describe as "NANNA-boo-ka-na" I right?

To Ms. Chong,

You make the greatest, sweetest, best tasting ice tea in the world.

To Stephanie across the street,

You know you're a lesbian right?

To Kamisha,

You pulled down my pants on the playground monkey bars and I want to tell you that was very embarassing, but not as embarassing as having the Chewbacca face that you got.

To the lunchladies at Nolanville Ele.,

We all know you make us pour that alphabet soup in that tub next to where we washed our trays because you want to reuse the soup. That's why we don't eat it. Stop trying to "jazz it up" by switching the name of the soup, it's the same alphabet vegatable soup that we throw napkins and tater tots in.

To Othell _______,

You always have a strong odor of piss about you...........what up with dat?

To that kid that beat me in Super Smash Bros.,

Yeah, you won 10 bucks out of me, but hey! How's that whole "trying to get laid" thing making out for you? Did your friend Ivan just give in and suck your dick? Good luck bagging all those chicks you avid gamer you!

To Mirko ______,

Thanks for your crazy drawing, but seriously, you should see about those learning disabilities.

To Markie,

Did you bag Princess Allura yet? I know there's some kids at school that are dying to get a hold of all the drugs you're taking. Also, your drawing of the "penis sword" is priceless.

To Miranda ________,

You gave me your phone number but you never pick up.......that's cold.

To Thomas _______,

Thanks for the 3-D porn, "The Magic Bed" unfortunately, you didn't give us the 3-D glasses, so if you could, please give us a pair or two. Chances are they came included with a couple of pairs. Until then, we cannot get the full "porno 3-D experience" without them.

To Chris _______,

Your father is controlling and too strict. Baseball cards aren't really a safe and sound investment for your future. And it's okay buddy, you don't always have to try to top everyone in everything, because for one you can't and two, it makes you look like a douche.

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