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About Me

shit blurbs
2005-03-28 - 5:37 p.m.

I wish I had meaningful and funny things to say.......

I wish I had meaningful and funny things to say.......

I wish I had meaningful and funny things to say.......

My wallet is 1400 dollars lighter. Money I thought I for the roof over my head.

I've heard people use the word "literally" too much and how incorrect the usage is in whatever they're saying. Everyone does it. I've grown impatient over simple grammar.

Apparently, I stood up to my boss and pissed him off. I wasn't wrong about anything I said and I now I know further that my words are more powerful then I first imagined.

Last night, I found out the history of the place I work in from many of the "lifers" there, "a la smoke shack bullshittin'." Apparently, just like probably every workplace in the 70s, was a coke den, full of dealers, users, and abusers. Doing lines in the breakroom and what have you. Their "glory days" if you will. No wonder they all look like shit.

I finished "Beyond Good and Evil."

I just picked up ULYSEES and started reading it last night. Wish me luck.

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