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Takin' a day trip.
2005-04-19 - 2:14 a.m.

I forgot how great road trips are. Just the kinda get-up-and-go, fuck the gas prices and just move onward, great American country day tripper. The trucker tan on my left arm says it all to me and I carry my filipino-tone left forearm with pride and feel as accomplished as a toddler learning how to whistle and snap his fingers for the first time.

It wasn't the most kickin' assed road trip in the universe, but it's the first action my forearm has seen in quite a long while. And the weather was crisp and snappy for this journey. Nikc and I headed off with a then fairly clean windshield and kept the windows rolled down to the journey's end. Sound in Color's "Gaslamp Killers" instrumental compilation provided the beat to keep it jumpin' inbetween all the slow moving Chesapeake Bay towns.

Bugs were out in full force. Windshield was a massacre.
I actually tasted bug along the way.
Anything we stuck out the window got kamikazee insects.

It didn't deter us much from our objective. The mission, scout out a bed & breakfast-and no, I'm not kidding. I had to insist to the inn keeper that Nikc was only "my friend" and that the reservations weren't for "us." The place in question appealed to me instantly because it simply was in the middle of nowhere on the tip of nothing. The closet thing nearby was a Naval observatory and that my friend, is fucking remote. Anyways, the Tennis court was unfortunately dilapidated and that was Nikc's initial beef with the place. It was definitely an eyesore, a "HELLO LOCKJAW!" fence surrounding a tennis court in which probably the last game played there was by men in top hats. Everything else was cool and above anything I expected and made me want to stay there that second and whittle wood or something with the innkeeper's big assed dog.

The drive back got us involved in the local human fauna, because our thirst for beer grew naturally like it always does. Nikc described the scene as TWIN PEAKS, but it more or less reminded me of old Texas towns of my childhood. We bought what we thought the locals would describe as the "Fancy" beer and as we checked out, an old man started to talk baseball.....

"Youuu seen dem...dem....dag-gone Or-ree-oyls? (beat) Man...dey had dem Yankees CRrrrrrreeeeeyyyyyyyoooooouunnnnnn."

That last word I believe was the way it was pronounced, but he meant to say CRYING i'm guessing and Nikc and I said this over and over numerous times to get it right and to laugh. It's funny, you think Maryland's a state in the Northeast, but go out to the boonies a little on the Eastern Shore and you'll see a whole different side all compacted into a little armpit of a state.

.....So Nikc and I killed a 6-pack driving on the back roads of the back roads and wondered with sheer curiousity, "What in the fuck do these people do?" Everyone had cars parked in front of houses, did anyone work? Obviously, there's nothing at all to do and not every piece of land was a farm. It doesn't take more then 2 people to run the General Store/Post Office/Antique store, so what in the hell we're they doing? Drugs, growing and distributing drugs was my only good guess or that they were house builders of some sort. They all weren't retired, unless they were some crazy ass old people that were compelled to keep swing set playgrounds in their yards. Our minds were perplexed and the beer was probably the most tasty illegal, harmless consumption I've ever shared into-but kids, seriously, don't try this stunt, for Nikc and I are trained professionals.

Nikc spent some dough at the goodwill, buying himself a salmon colored suit jacket with equally terrible shimmery-sorta-lavender shirt with matching tie, a fake gold dookie chain link chain and a fake gold women's belt/chain(For us), and a pair of pants. Getting gussied up for the Pie Cruise. Nikc and his ol' lady are on that 1 year anniversary coming up. 1 year doesn't even seem like alot of time, but in terms of a relationship, I find that stunning, because I never got that far. I want to know what it feels like for once without getting dumped. It's not that sense of accomplishment I want in terms of couple longevity or anything, but to be able to be with that special someone and look back and just be wowed by it momentarily and just go back to eternally loving.

It's funny, because this amazing woman I shared feelings for in November, it's damn near May now and I feel like I've died and came back to life twice. Time means so much more to me and so much less to me at the guessed it.......time. I savor every bite and I don't worry about the mechanics of biting. This segment of my life right here is probably the most busy and stressful it has ever been and I'm on top of things like Spaghetti covered in cheese. Thanks mainly in part of her love and understanding.

She help me see things I blinded and shielded myself away from and did it in such a graceful way and still does and I was by no means hopeless in meeting her and sharing myself with her but more or less paranoid but the moment we shared something, flood gates opened between us. We clicked like heels. And she is continously amazing in every way shape and form and to know I am with this woman gives me a measure of excitement that carries me through any hardship I've faced on my rocky climb back to A-game form.

Today, nothing short of amazing. Tommorrow.........STUNNING.......Details COMING SOON.

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