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About Me

2005-08-09 - 3:14 a.m.

I'm in the process of changing over websites. I have nothing against Diaryland really. It has done me well and I've met some amazing people on here and I will continue to write. My supergold runs out fairly soon and I will not be renewing it for financial reasons and simple features vs. economics. More details coming soon.

...somehow a moth got into my room and is getting retarded with my monitors.......only if my writing would make people run consistantly into their monitors......then I would have something. Over the last couple of months, various issues has made me apprehensive, occupied, and uninspired to write. I'm not depressed or anything....couldn't be further from the truth......I'm just doing alot of stuff and my writing just kind of fell off but I want to write "different" then what I normally do. A change would be's in order. Alot of shit's changin'. I'm weening myself off of Crazy Browser and jumping on Firefox......I still like my Crazy Browser and they put out a new version not too long was the original recipe tabbed and you can't fuck with that kinda chicken. Firefox does eat up some damn memory for some damn reason and opens slow for other reasons.....Everyone tells me to stick with it.

I'm starting school again at the end of the month. I'll be unemployed by the end of the week. The first of painful budget cuts in my life have already started and more are yet to come. I think I've actually bought way more t-shirts then I could actually contain 3 times over. I got like a whole load of socks in the dryer right now.....I need to organize. I've been eating too much as of late and with no apparent reason really, I'm just like, "Why am I eating?" Who would of thought balancing a million things at once in your life could be so taxing?

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