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I'm not inspired......
2001-11-13 - 1:28 a.m.

I can't wait till Thanksgiving.....I just can't wait.....It think it's that time of year where people get fed up with close to enjoying themselves, kicking back....and everything seems to be crashing into them all at once around this time......This kid we call "80's Cake" told me he feels like "Hibernating" I can't put it any better.....this other kid Andy was giving me the same vibes......fucking school......My grrl is feeling that way too......I'm figuring it a world-wide, season-changing-type thing......I bet alot of College students are biting down around now......I had one class today and we critiqued our videos....I got a 32 outta 50 suprisingly on my interview video.....I did nothing today.....I had a frequent number of moments today remincising about the new Simpsons episode that came out on Sunday......"Cobras!...COBRAS!" Just too funny!! Damn, I heard it's there last season too.....IT IS THE FUNNIEST SHOW EVER ON TELEVISION.....Seriously, I'm sad about that.....I heard they are going wild with the scripts or something they are gonna kill off a buncha characters and have wild stories, Andy said one is gonna be about Homer being addicted to medicinal weed.....I don't know if this is all true, but damn.....I can't wait for the Simpsons, regardless.....I can't wait for Iron Chef USA either....that's gonna rock.....I love Iron Chef, but I don't get the food channel in College up here, bastards......

In other news, I heard back home, that one of my high school's dick-asshole teachers was being shunned by the faculty and students.....why do you ask? Well, apparently, this Art teacher, father of 2 or 3, swim coach-happily married to a lawyer wife.....moved out of Havre de Grace and into nearby Bel Air......His wife was unpacking boxes....some boxes Mr. Thompson (the Art Teacher) didn't want her to unpack....well, she uncovered a tape......hmmmm....what could be on this mysterious non-labeled tape???? Could it be an old Swim Meet??? (His Sister is an oylimpic gold Swimmer, by the way) Could this be some blank tape, well she decides to pop it in......What kinda STROKE is that???!?!? Technically, that's not a breast stroke in swimming terms.....that's no brush stroke he's using......wait a second, he's commiting adultery and documented it on VHS! Oh....that's my husband fucking past high school alumni graduate, ___________"......(This girl, many describe as being very hot and I even saw a pic of her modeling for a bathing suit company, she's stacked and all that....but anywho..)Damn, BUSTED!!! I hope the kids weren't watching....Well, she filed for divorce and in a fit of revenge, probably decided to yell what happened up and down the hills into the ears of High School faculty and students alike......ouch....he's still working at the high school, but for how long??? The prick.....I laugh at his misfortune, he's screwed over some of my friends and even gave my grrl some referals, the tight short wearin mutha fucka.....I LAUGH AT YOUR don't go and kill yourself.....

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