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About Me

hush hush
2002-01-31 - 12:21 a.m.

I'm a changing man. I feel like I'm in a transition phase. I know I can't stop though, I gotta keep maintainin', I think that's where I fucked up before. I had sparks of brilliance during my DARK AGES, things I could regret now, but I don't got the time to. My boys are startled that I don't eat meat anymore, I still dig on the milk and an egg here and there, but no meat, no seafood.....and I'm quite fine with it. I loved chicken tenders and nuggets, pork tenderloin, SAUSAGE AND BACON MMMMMMM! but I must move on.....It's getting late, I wanted to write a big ol entry, but it's not gonna happen, gotta finish some math up and go to bed to wake up to my 11 to 4 Class-EXTRAVAGANZA! woo-hoo! poo.

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