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About Me

30 not-so-unique things about me......
2002-04-28 - 6:04 p.m.

My name is Michael Raymond Bennett, born 10/06/1981. here's 101 (scratch that, 30) tidbits of me.

1. I'm left handed. I throw and write leftie. I play guitar and scratch right-handed though.

2. I'm half Filipino (mom) and half New Englander. (dad)

3. On my father's side, we can trace our ancestory all the way to the Mayflower, deeming us TRUE New Englanders. (So I've heard.)

4. I think I'm 5'11 and a half if I'm not mistaken and come in pretty hefty around 280lbs. (I'm a big, bad, mutha fucka!)

5. I play Guitar (6 or 7 years), I Scratch DJ and mix (3 or 4 years), I also dabbled on keyboards and drums. I've never had any formal training. I did it to pick up chicks.

6. Speaking of "chicks," I've only managed to snag 3 girlfriends. The first, Nikki, a punk rock grrl (who rocked my world) who was kind and sweet, she couldn't handle my doom and gloom. Elaine, a normal girl compared to my standards. She had a big ol butt, I lost my virginity to her, it was a "fling" of sorts. The third, Raven.....well, damn, just a story within itself.

7. I'm an Army brat, my dad retired after 20 years, I know names, makes, and models of various weapons, tanks, and helicopters.

8. I was born in Natick, Massachusetts, not too far from my father's hometown, Millis. I've lived in Millis....Masbate, Philippines...Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana.....Fort Hood, Texas......Harker Heights, Texas..........Dalton, Georgia..........and Havre de Grace, Maryland, so far.

9. I've got a half-sister I've never met. (My father, in a previous marriage)

10. I wear a 11 and a half to 12 size shoe. I have freakish fingers (Very long and thin, I can palm most basketballs) and finger-like toes.

11. I've got an older brother, John, who I'm cool with, he's a year older.

12. I'm a mamma's boy. I get more from my mom, but as I get older, I notice more and more of my father in me and it freaks me out.

13. If you asked the people who know me about what they think of me, I hypothesize the most common general answers you'd get are: funny, weird, cool, and aight.

14. I contracted the mumps in my senior year of high school. I couldn't salivate for 2 weeks.

15. I used to dream about becoming a sports figure in either basketball or football, I played in Middle school (football) and my senior year of High School (also football) I guess I quit because I moved and changed middle schools abruptly and I never picked it up after that. I stopped playing basketball when I went to Georgia, I stopped everything else too basically, but that's a whole 'nother story.

16. I took Taekwondo for quite a few years and I attained a Black Belt. My brother and I quit since my parent's schedules couldn't get us to the classes on time and they changed locations, I wish I still kept going. I could kick high, high above my head and I even broke a brick with my hand. My brother and I have enough broken boards to build a spacious dog house.

17. I've never owned a pet, my mom wouldn't allow it, the tadpole I caught once I let down the drain, and he doesn't count.

18. When I was growing up, I was very active, playing games, outdoors, bike riding, football, basketball, Taekwondo and the like and then when I approached adolescense, I became increasingly lethargic (sp?)

19. I went through a very angsty adolescense, mainly because I was uprooted from where I grew up, Texas, and placed in Dalton, Georgia. No one knew me there, people were racist and thought I was Mexican (they hated mexicans, their was a sudden influx of latinos coming up to Dalton, GA to work in the carpet mills there, Dalton is known as the "carpet capital of the world.") My brother and I had no real friends, we lived literally right beside the highway. I had a hard time fitting in. My father's new civilian job was working the night shift, my mother worked her butt off, my brother and I were left to our own devices basically without any parental guidance. John eventually found refuge in theatre. I found refuge in hanging out and not smoking with potheads and guitar. I grew out my hair, wore flannels, wrote bad poetry and was very, very depressed, I gained a lot of weight. Developed sleeping problems and became very quiet. I remember summers in Georgia when I just stared at the ceiling for hours, countless hours.

20. I have sleep apnea. I'm a restless sleeper. I also have nocturnal enuresis. I find this quite embarassing to tell on an online diary as a 20 year old man. I feel my mood is affected very greatly by this and just adds alot of embarassment I shouldn't have. It pisses me off alot (quite literally). I find myself tired alot, I have trouble staying up in lectures, I snore very, very loudly. I nod out frequently while driving, luckily, there's been someone nearby and I haven't got into any accidents. I never really get a full night's rest, I wake up frequently in the night from the enuresis and the apnea, you never see me asleep continously for more then 3 hours at a time normally. I can pass out nearly anywhere in any position, I kick in my sleep and move around alot so I'm told and I even say random things. I have a hard time remembering or even having dreams.

21. I get freckles in the summertime and I get very brown.

22. I'm allergic to cats and some dogs it seems.

23. I've been a vegetarian for over 4 months and I want to try (the word is TRY) to be vegan eventually.

24. I guess I'm catholic, my mom is, I don't think I got baptized, I used to go to church only for the donuts. I passed out in church one time because of it (not eating breakfast, thinking about donuts=low blood sugar.)

25. I've never been terribly close to my extended family. With my family moving and all and my mother's family all the way on the other side of the world practically, I didn't get much of the extended family treatment. When I saw the most of my relatives, I was too young to remember. I know my grandma on my father's side a bit. Out of my mother's family, only two relatives live in the states, and they live in California and NYC respectively.

26. An odd fact, whenever my family decides to go out and do something "Special" and out of sorts as a "family" it rains, always at one point or another. It just does. It's weird, and if ever watch professional sports games, the home team loses.

27. I'm a procrastinator. I'm usually in a clutter. I try to manage my time, but I usually am "on-the-fly."

28. I guess you can consider me as being a "nice guy." (judging from my dating track record.) I'm generally intelligent, I have a wealth of worthless knowledge, moderate book smarts, and I think a good deal of life smarts. I want relationships and love over lust in most cases. I hate flirting, I feel so stupid. Lust makes me feel primal and not in control and it's so hard (liteally) being a 20 year old guy feeling these things.

29. Somethings I want to do before I die: Start a family, have a lil Mike or Mike-ette, make my parents proud-buy them things and take care of them when they get old, go to a party at the playboy mansion, own a 72 Lincoln Continental Mark IV, own a car with "switches", wake up every morning and tell someone I love them, travel the world, go to Tibet, Italy, the Sistine Chapel, Japan, Austrailia, South America, Amsterdam, have a summer home in the Philippines maybe, not have a career sitting behind a desk or in a cubicle, see my name on a marquee or big screen when the credits roll, speak in front a very large crowd and make them laugh, have a recording studio, have a large kitchen with an island, a Zen Rock garden, a pet Orangutan, a big dog I'm not allergic too and other pets, a bamboo forest in my backyard with a panda living in it, learn how to play various instruments and jam on them, a basement full of vinyl, meet all the people I look up to and chill with them, maybe eat some breakfast or have a cup of coffee or something with them. Probably much more, and adding continually.

30. I think I'm a muse of sorts. I can help others alot and for some reason I can't help myself as much it seems. I don't know.

It was supposed to be 101 things, but that ain't happening but oh well, this is alot.

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