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About Me

Swiss I miss
2002-11-12 - 11:21 a.m.

Someone from a search engine typed in

"spring break free movies fucking"

on an ALLTHEWEB search engine and got me.


Man, I spent 2 hours talking to my friend Logan last night after class. It was a cell phone call all the way to Oregon. He's there for Americorps. My phone started getting hot, I talked so long. I miss my friend. Damn.

Speaking of other things I miss:

-Seth, that cat was ill, could get us in the movies for free, and hell I remember the times we were like FUCK WORK and just watch movies all day. Mutha fucka was like my movie 411 and still is to an extent. Get him, John, and me together.....the conversation is about 65% movie references and quotes. Mutha fucka would be at our house when he got up and leave when he wanted to go to bed. ill.

-Meat. Me and fellow veggie Jon Waters were talking about what we missed meat wise, we both agree they should make a veggie spam.

-Getting up with someone next to me. I remember waking up and just watching Raven sleep. Seriously, it was just so tranquil to see her sleep, wrapped up tight in all the covers. I would think of all the nice things I could do for her that day, think about making her breakfast. It was delightful. Made me feel so good, hours and hours of bliss.

-I miss late nights with my Frostburg crew. I miss most of the BGA. I miss going to the dorms and having like 8 people in the room watching breaking videos or playing Soul Caliber or some shit. Always fun, freestyling to Mp3 instrumentals, great stuff.

-Smoking ganja. If I was in Frostburg, man......The watchtower, brownies, 5 dollars and a whole rack a people in the woods getting stoned and then going to late night and eating countless bowls of cereal.

-Sleepovers. Sleepovers were the shit back in the day, but I guess growing up, you just grow out of having people crash at your place, eat pizza, and play video games all day.

-Parties at big gay Tim's house. Yet Another Frostburg memory.

-Irish sister, she was real, and turned me on to booze.

-Pittsburgh, it's been awhile since I been there.

-Eating snacks and gettin fat at Brad's house. Damn, eventhough we were just sitting around 'cause there was nothing else to do, we were snackin' hardcore and Brad's folks are crazy cool and Knockout Kings was always fun.

-N64 competitions. I can't remember the last time I broke out Goldeneye or Super Smash Bros. I'm king in those games. We used to play that shit for hours.

There's more I miss, but for the sake of time, I'll shorten this. IF you read down this far anyways, give me a holla.

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