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About Me

The secret to life is shutting the fuck up about it...............
2004-06-09 - 7:50 a.m.

Somedays, I feel as if I'm a well of knowledge, sprouting out forth a spring of fresh and tasty truths as if I harnessed the world in my vessal and magnified the beam of energy into something easily digested into the ears and eyes of souls who perchance to find time with me to share in whatever the fuck they're doing.

I debate whether it's better then being on the recieving end......I think I've recieved alot more then I've ever given and to tell you the truth, anytime I do give out whatever halfassed logic, jumbled thought (Because that's what it all sounds like when I think about it after it's said and matter how painfully witty) I debate if they listen........but I further think, they always listen......just not always to what you want to emphasize. I spend most my time picking up quirks, things easily passed over in cursory examination, very rarely do I find myself "watching" the person speak. I know it means alot to whomever to give me things I already know, perspectives that don't really impress or inspire at all in my soul. It kinda makes me wonder out of everyone I talk to, how many feel the same as me when they're on the recieving end of my mind volleys? Because, a very conservative estimate here, but I think about 90% of the time, I'm listening out of pity, in tragic hopes that this little utilization and repetition of truth will lead to some other thoughts......important shit........

I grow tired and impatient of it all, this whole "Communication didactic" More and more, it becomes a game to me, people will believe whatever the fuck I tell them to..........Am I turning into Robert Evans?

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