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Don't hold back the bitch slaps
2004-08-03 - 1:38 p.m.

Nick and I had very enlightening conversation the other day........about government..........then it somehow segued into me talking about "How-to-kick-a-man's-ass." And not just any ass, but a man "Who buys 200 dollar pants" ass. Which isn't really hard at all. I took years of Taekwondo as a kid. I got my black belt laying around somewhere, I swear.....Broke a brick and all that good shit. I haven't fought anybody in any old way in years, but all of a sudden, I become "Grandmaster Such n' Such" and my past gets dug up like something awful.

Well, for one thing, I feel like my dad, giving him all this advice which he probably doesn't need. It's genetics.........what can I say?

BUT, I want to find that ass-kickin' Mike again. I used to kick-ass in so many things. I played a good game of basketball, I played war pretty good too, and fuck if you were gonna beat me in some N64's Goldeneye or Super Smash Bros. I bet I still fucking rule those games even after not playing them for damn near 3 years. Pop Culture Game............Fuck man, I'M THE AUTHORITY ON THAT GAME BITCHES! And playing the dozens...........shit.........I'd crack on your mother so hard and make your soul cry.

What happened to the tenacity? The competitive spirit? I need to find it again. It was the only thing of my childhood that I took tenaciously too. I need to start drop kickin' fuckers again. I need to mend my soul before my swan song.

I don't know, maybe the battlefields changed for me........but I feel I've become more passive........and even apathetic to competition. I'm figuring if I bust some heads in some old fashioned way, I'll somehow bust my own and figure the motivating heart that drives the beast.

So basically, I want to bully to gain my character back.

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