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Nothing says love like OYSTER EATING CONTEST
2003-12-29 - 10:07 a.m.

My body is filling with anger one second and funny ha-ha joy the next.

I've taken a liking to the local community college radio station, particularly when they play old 40s, 50s, and 60s radio dramas. Something about them, I don't know, but I don't think I'd listen to anything else now on a 2am ride home.

I helped clean the house the other day. I fucking ransacked this living room and threw away god knows how many "Women's World," "AARP," "Chess Life," "Army Times," and old outdated TV guides and shopping catalogs. I rewired the entertainment center to have the cable play through the BOSE 3-2-1 and now watching football on that thing is a different experience, especially when you turn it up REAL loud, otherwise known to my father as "normal" volume.

So, DJs are assembling at my house, probably some of today and most of tommorrow for scratching and whatnot. I gotta clean the basement. I bought a 8 x 4 slab of Douglas Fir to rest on top of 8 cinder blocks, making a makeshift table that would hold up 8 turntables and mixers.

I also bought my first power tool, a DREMEL. Now these things are badass, I routed one hell of a crooked hole in the middle of that slab of wood. No template or nothing, I felt like a god honest champion of male do-it-yourself-ness.

My mom got a TOTAL GYM for Christmas and if you don't know what a Total Gym is, just turn on your TV around 3am and just look for Chuck Norris. The thing is badass, I'm still sore, but that's probably a combonation of pussy and not working out in forever that caused that. Walker, Texas Ranger knows what's up people.

In other news, I think Nick is gonna hook up with a fine grrl that has challenged him to an eating contest. Can you say LOVE CONNECTION?!!? I know I can. This just further proves my theory that FOOD is directly proportional to LOVE. I don't know whether to hope for the best for my commerade to start a loving relationship with a good-looking, intelligent girl OR hope for the best in that Nick doesn't tarnish the eating prowesses that we've worked so hard to develop over the years. I think I'll root for both, but he better not lose, or fuck up, or pull punches, or be ignorant, or freeze up, or throw up, or be afraid to ask her out, or be afraid in taking her out-on a date OR "taking her out" (hitman style) at the buffet.

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