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Bad Times, Good Eats
2003-06-11 - 8:51 a.m.

What's worse?

Standing in place......


Walking in circles......

In periods of inaction and mundane routine, time and space really start becoming relative. All that's left is what you want to do and you. When you can see beyond time constraints and external forces holding you back is only time when you get to that lovely gravy.

I figured things would slow down noticibly in the summer. But I guess it's really busy because it really hasn't been summer yet. God, BLUE SKIES PLEASE??!?! Work should be against the law. I guess I make it quite easy to suck the very life from my body. Give me 40+ hours a week and I turn into a walking work zombie and little or nothing more. Complex pleasures such as hobbies and creativity become distant and become replaced with cheap, generic pleasure like watching Alton Brown on FoodTV while eating roasted green peas, thinking, "OOOOOH! The way he smoked that pork butt! That's a great idea!!" And then we all know we aren't gonna smoke a damn thing except a bowl or a cigarette. Dry Rub?! HA! Come on, flex your true culinary skill, put the chips INSIDE the sandwich, OH LA LA! Aldente' Kraft Mac n Cheese! LIKE HEAVEN AND EARTH IN MY MOUTH! Hot dogs cut up in it?!?!? WELCOME TO FLAVOR COUNTRY!!!!!!!

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