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Hey! A poem!
2002-02-27 - 3:13 a.m.

Why is it I go after those things just out of reach?

My friends and family try to preach,

but it's only from those experiences that truly teach,

Wny do I go after those things just out of reach?

People that hope seem hopeless

because love is like a drug and Cupid

Won't hesitate to tell you to smoke it,

and Hope is just like another gateway and I can't help but to toke it,

But just like the drugs, the feelings fade and the desires burn,

I see that person in the mirror and ask "What does he yearn?"

It surges through my veins and soaks my soul

It guides me through living and gives me that hint of being one step closer to being whole.

but I ultimately keep searching for that one wish, that one goal,

the one that keeps burning me, the one that keeps calling me, the one that makes me see

How beautiful the world can be

I keep reachin

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