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About Me

Oh, is that dirt on your chin?!?!?
2003-07-11 - 10:37 a.m.

Yeah, there's this little goatee popping out of me. Sometimes I look in the mirror and say, "Cool" and most other times I look in the mirror and say "What the fuck?!?!?!" Yeah, I don't know if it's the goatee or whatnot but it's giving me a feeling that I'm acting more like a jerk-off, a jerk-off with a lil goatee. The inherited Filipino genes don't come with the facial hair package, so even now in the ripe old age of 21, my facial hair is more diminished then most Joe Schmo's on the street. I don't stroke it, so it's nothing to tell folks about, but it's just enough for people to laugh and radiate off that Jerk-off impression.

Why can't I just rock a fashion that makes me feel good?!? .....other then sweatpants and a witty T-shirt?!

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