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About Me

2003-11-15 - 2:02 p.m.

About the last time I spoke to you fan(s), it's not like I never knew what I walked myself into, but there are some things I am naive about and completely unaware and it's not like I don't know how to gauge how tough my battles would be. I deserve these feelings and they weren't bestowed upon me as some crushing weight or anything. I may seem angry, but that's not all and these things I feel are in no way "surprises" to me in alot of respects. And these feelings are intense no less but it all means something beyond being angry or in love. So let me lay down that disclaimer for you. I really hurt, therefore I really love. Shit, I can smile too and laugh.

I'll never take out any business I decide to throw out here, that's just the way I be.......If I offend, if I hurt, if I am hurtin, if I spark some sympathy in you.....just remember it's all in the name of love and politics and I'll maintain some way or somehow more or less or I wouldn't be here speaking to you about it.

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