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My new beer of choice......
2003-07-04 - 10:00 a.m.

I drank two 1 Liter cans of this stuff last night. A beer with no heavy aftertaste! I'm no beer drinker, but apparently, Asahi goes down fine. Red Stripe is decent too, I had 4 of those, but it doesn't have the extra gangsta-ness as a big ass 40-esque can. There's just a gangsta quality to it I tell you. I remember in the "Body Hat Syndrome" CD booklet a photo collage of Digital Underground and their wild antics showed the brown nose prince himself, Sir Humpty Hump, getting down with Asahi Super Dry. I guess I might be trying to emulate Humpty.......but early Humpty, not the FRUIT WORKS spokesman Humpty. Plus, how much beer you see today got Thermos handles on it?!?!? I got to get them big ass 2 liters man.

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