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oh........the things to come.......the things to come...........
2004-11-05 - 10:45 a.m.

Alright, we got Bush for another four. We got all the folks blaming bush now in a talespin(yes, like the cartoon).........who figure now, the popular vote is filled with "lil' Bushes" everywhere.........well, everywhere in the states that no one gives a shit about. And now switching the blame from one man to all those people is such a daunting task. Many have already looked into Canadian citizenship and look forward to the joy of a more socialist-type atmosphere in which they'd be explaining themselves costantly about "America" and shouting comfortably across a naked border with the same "I feel your pain negro(not "african" negros though, no one cares about them)/brown man" fervor. They'll be living it up in Toronto or something trying to pass their stay as a grant of a political asylum and revel in that "I feel oppressed" feeling.

Now, for the republicans (This INCLUDES YOU, PUFF DADDY!), they're breathing easy and doing a bad job in thinking: "oh this was a pushover" type job. The daunting task for most of them is counting their money, or for many the southerners-the lack of their money and blaming that lack on poor "niggers" like them and of course the jews........but still maintain a steadfastness to social programs paralelling that feeling of a man lost in traffic too proud to ask for directions. The rich can dwell on the fact that their sons and daughters can afford the more expensive college and hang a yellow ribbon on their antenna of their SUV and still fill it with premium and say "This is ridiculous!" with every 55 dollar fill-up of premium gas.

Whatever you do, if you can't revel in the comedy of errors that is our great nation, you're doomed to failure.......OR BETTER YET.......


......oh yeah, but don't trust nobody......

I, along with many others refused to vote and as much as you angry voters think that's retarded and apathetic and as much as you fellas think we don't love our great nation-our numbers are still puny to that of people that can't count right, uneducated in their own democracy, and folks that just aggressively and passively hate people (ignorant OR intended) other then themselves.

Everybody wants their voice to be heard, but how many people want to get up and listen?

Things we can count on:

-many more folks are interested in democracy and change and are working much harder to make what they want happen now. I hope everyone uses all their anger productively and channel it all into something positive.

-Great episodes of "The Daily Show."

-Gas prices that make your anus bleed in pain.

-The hilarity of white kid drum circles.

-Cosby Haters.

-Murdered young people.

Things I hope for:

-Someone getting PIED.......ACCURATELY.

-A pussy slap fighting kinda civil war in media.

-Arnold considering a run in 2008.

-bumper stickers, bumper stickers, bumper stickers.

-More "The world hates us" speeches.

-Economic downturn so I can buy up some stock.

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