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About Me

more and more Mr-Sparkles FUNTOIDS!!!!!!!
2004-11-08 - 3:42 p.m.

-Apparently, I'm allergic to cats and dogs, but it doesn't stop me from touching the pussy and da bitches.

-I'm a self-proclaimed turntablist AKA scratch DJ.

-I've got well over 3000 records....probably more and counting.

-I've spent 30 dollars on a disco single (Massimo Barsotti's "Problemes D'Amour")and 25 dollars on a single 45 (Scott Bros. Orchestra "Hunk O' Funk".) One day, I'll probably buy a record in the triple digits.

-One time, I bought a half truckload of Gangsta rap singles for 250 dollars.

-I own this movie on VHS (I special ordered it......and yes, I regret it.):

-When I was a kid, I stole a pack of JACK DANIELS playing cards from the local WINN DIXIE and thought I was the shit.

-Another time I thought I was the shit: When I spent a whole weeks worth of allowance on candy cigarettes. Here I was, with a carton worth of candy cigs, hid under my pillow no less so no one would know how badass I was, acting like I was smoking the candy, which looks more like sugar plant food sticks then real cigarettes.

-I have yet to find anyone who can beat my ass and beat my ass good in Goldeneye multiplayer mode on the Nintendo 64.....I think I never will.

-At one time in college, I had ICQ, Yahoo Messenger!, AOL IM, and MSN Messenger......

-In my grunge phase, I had my hair grown out to past my chin and I wore rounded glasses at that time and an impressive selection of flannel and I looked like a fat butch east european dyke.

-Pandas are my power animal.....they eat most the day and sleep the rest.

-Worst forty I ever drank "Steel Reserve", Best forty, "Colt 45."

-First colonge: Caesar's Man (I also have Billy Dee Williams "Undeniable")

-I used to wear alot of cologne when I was in grade school. I was a lil pretty boy as you can see HERE in front of the faux painter's studio, decked out in a white turtleneck, hair tightly gelled, and of course who could forget the chain and medallion?



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